汇编NAND 《科学》(20200821出版)一周论文导读
发布时间 : 2024-10-10
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23


编译 | 冯维维

Science, 21 August 2020, Vol 369, Issue 6506



Synchronous timing of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period


▲ 作者:Ellen C. Corrick, Russell N. Drysdale, John C. Hellstrom, Emilie Capron, Sune Olander Rasmussen, Xu Zhang, Dominik Fleitmann, Isabelle Couchoud, Eric Wolff

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period have been detected in a global array of palaeoclimate records, but our understanding of their absolute timing and regional synchrony is incomplete. Our compilation of 63 published, independently dated speleothem records shows that abrupt warmings in Greenland were associated with synchronous climate changes across the Asian Monsoon, South American Monsoon, and European-Mediterranean regions that occurred within decades. Together with the demonstration of bipolar synchrony in atmospheric response, this provides independent evidence of synchronous high-latitude–to-tropical coupling of climate changes during these abrupt warmings. Our results provide a globally coherent framework with which to validate model simulations of abrupt climate change and to constrain ice-core chronologies.

Abrupt CO2 release to the atmosphere under glacial and early interglacial climate conditions


▲ 作者:C. Nehrbass-Ahles, J. Shin, J. Schmitt, B. Bereiter, F. Joos, A. Schilt, L. Schmidely, L. Silva, G. Teste, R. Grilli, J. Chappellaz, D. Hodell, H. Fischer, T. F. Stocker

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Bursts of carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere and occurring on centennial time scales, were seen during the cold periods of the last glacial cycle but not in older or warmer conditions. Nehrbass-Ahles et al. present a record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations retrieved from the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C ice core showing that these carbon dioxide jumps occurred during both cold and warm periods between 330,000 and 450,000 years ago. They relate these pulses to disruptions of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation caused by freshwater discharge from ice sheets. Such rapid carbon dioxide increases could occur in the future if global warming also disrupts this ocean circulation pattern.


Attosecond spectroscopy of liquid water


▲ 作者:Inga Jordan, Martin Huppert, Dominik Rattenbacher, Michael Peper, Denis Jelovina, Conaill Perry, Aaron von Conta, Axel Schild, Hans Jakob Wörner

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▲ 摘要



▲ Abstract

Many physical properties of liquid water remain unresolved due to the very fast dynamics involved in the liquid phase. Using attosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Jordan et al. found that photoemission of electrons from water in the liquid phase shows a time delay of about 50 to 70 attoseconds compared with photoemission from the gas phase. This difference was attributed to solvation effects and was validated by analysis of various contributions to the measured delays and by using theoretical simulations in water clusters of different sizes.

Shaping colloidal bananas to reveal biaxial, splay-bend nematic, and smectic phases


▲ 作者:Carla Fernández-Rico, Massimiliano Chiappini, Taiki Yanagishima, Heidi de Sousa, Dirk G. A. L. Aarts, Marjolein Dijkstra, Roel P. A. Dullens

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Molecular chirality is often required to make chiral liquid crystalline phases, but liquid crystallinity has also been obtained using curved elongated rods known as bent-core or banana-shaped molecules. Fernández-Rico et al. developed a method to controllably alter the curvature of the rods using ultraviolet light and a photoresponsive polymer. From a single starting batch can come a family of rods with different curvatures but similar overall rod thickness, length, and length distribution. The researchers explored a range of liquid crystalline phases, including the splay-bend nematic phase that was predicted more than 40 years ago.


Asymmetric remote C–H borylation of aliphatic amides and esters with a modular iridium catalyst


▲ 作者:Ronald L. Reyes, Miyu Sato, Tomohiro Iwai, Kimichi Suzuki, Satoshi Maeda, Masaya Sawamura

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Enzymes often have intricate active sites that bind one portion of a molecule to orient a distant portion for optimal reactivity. This type of orienting effect has proven a much greater challenge for small-molecule catalysts. Reyes et al. now report a simple ligand that can simultaneously bind to an iridium catalyst through a pyridine substituent while positioning an amide or ester reactant through a hydrogen-bonding urea. As a result, the catalyst exclusively borylates the site three carbons away from the carbonyl, with a second chiral ligand inducing high enantioselectivity.

Covalent surface modifications and superconductivity of two-dimensional metal carbide MXenes


▲ 作者:Vladislav Kamysbayev, Alexander S. Filatov, Huicheng Hu, Xue Rui, Francisco Lagunas, Di Wang, Robert F. Klie

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▲ 摘要


用氢氟酸腐蚀母体MAX相Ti3AlC2层材料的铝层,得到具有不同表面末端的MXene Ti3C2。熔融盐可以达到均匀的氯离子终端,但很难进一步修改。


表面基团可以改变电子传输。例如,Nb2C MXenes表现出依赖于表面基团的超导性。

▲ Abstract

Unlike graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides, two-dimensional transition-metal carbides (MXenes) have many surface sites that can be chemically modified. Etching of the aluminum layer of a parent MAX phase Ti3AlC2 layered material with hydrofluoric acid leads to the MXene Ti3C2 with various surface terminations. Molten salts can achieve uniform chloride terminations, but these are difficult to further modify. Kamysbayev et al. show that etching of MAX phases in molten cadmium bromide leads to bromide-terminated MXenes that can then be substituted with oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and NH groups as well as with vacancy sites. The surface groups can alter electronic transport. For example, the Nb2C MXenes exhibit surface group–dependent superconductivity.




1.(2020·新课标I卷语法填空)The far side of the moon is of particular 64 (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more so 65 the familiar near side.


【解析】考查名词。句意:月球背面让科学家尤其感兴趣。根据空前的形容词particular可知,空处应填名词,interest是不可数名词,be of interest to sb.意为“(某物)使某人感兴趣”。故填interest。

2.(2020·新课标I卷短文改错)Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopstick.



3.(2020·新课标II卷语法填空)Chinese New Year is a 61 (celebrate) marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring.



4.(2020·新课标II卷短文改错)Luckily, I will go home in two weeks for summer vacations.


【解析】考查不可数名词。句意:幸运的是,两周后我就要回家过暑假。分析句子,vacation译为“假期”是个不可数名词,后面不可加s表示复数。Summer vacation 译为“暑期”是固定搭配。故将vacations改为vacation。

5. (2020·江苏卷单项填空)The health security systems of many countries are undergoing considerable ______.

A. reservationB. transformationC. distinctionD. submission


【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多国家的卫生安全系统正在经历重大变革。A. reservation预订;B. transformation改革,变革;C. distinction区别;D. submission提交。根据前文The health security systems可知,此处指“卫生安全系统的变革”。故选B。



1.【2019·江苏卷·单项填空】26.Nowadays the ___________ for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery.

A. priorityB. potentialC. proportionD. pension


【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:当今,旅行的重点从购物转变成了品尝美食和欣赏风景。A. priority优先;优先权;B. potential潜在的,可能的;C. proportion比例,占比;D. pension退休金,抚恤金。故选A。

2.【2019·天津卷·单项填空】7.We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made a(n) ___________on our lives in many ways.

A. statementB. impact

C. impressionD. judgment



3.【2019·新课标I卷·语法填空】Of ___69___ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six are (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.



4【2019·新课标I卷·短文改错】Suddenly football feel just in front of me but almost hit me.

【答案】 Suddenly football fell just in front of me almost hit me.


5.【2019·新课标II卷·短文改错】Since I was a kid, I’ve considered different job I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so coolly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher too much. …


Since I was a kid, I’ve considered different (1)I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so (2). Then, when I was in the (3) grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher (4) much.




(4)考查副词。句意:在五年级的时候,因为我非常喜欢我的英语老师,所以我想变成一名老师。“so much”在句中一般表达肯定意思,可与that连用表示“如此…以至于”。而“too much”表太多,一般与to搭配,表达否定意思“太…以至于不能…”。本句话表达肯定意思,非常so much 或very much,故将too改为very/so。

6.【2019·浙江卷·语法填空】Everybody wears___57___ same style of clothes.





1.【2018·天津】6. The__________ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.

A. advice B. order

C. possibility D. invitation


【解析】考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:宇宙中其它星球上存在生命这种可能性总是激励科学家们去探索外部空间。A. advice建议;B. order命令;C. possibility可能性;D. invitation邀请。故选C。

【解题指导】本题考查名词辨析。名词和动词及短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点。本题语法上是一个同位语从句,从句that there is life on other planets in the universe是来解释说明前面所选择的名词。根据常识可以判断,宇宙中其它星球上存在生命只是一种可能性,目前无法证明,从而选出正确答案。

2.【2018·江苏】32. Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the _______ you’ve made.

A. assignment B. association

C. acquisition D. assumption


【解题指导】本题考查名词辨析。名词考查是高考重点考查的知识点。本题抓住句中的关键词actually happening实际发生和instead of而不是,可知是假设,从而选出正确答案。

3. 【2018·新课标卷I·语法填空】Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 that/which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 67 (cause).



4. 【2018·新课标卷I·短文改错】During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents.

【答案】countryside前加the 考查冠词。去年寒假,我和父亲去乡下拜访爷爷奶奶。此处特指去的是乡下,故加定冠词the。

【解析】countryside前加the 考查冠词。去年寒假,我和父亲去乡下拜访爷爷奶奶。此处特指去的是乡下,故加定冠词the。

5. 【2018·新课标卷II·语法填空】Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over ___62___past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent.




6. 【2018·新课标卷III·语法填空】Unexpectedly, I'm face-to-face with the gorilla, who begins screaming at ____62____ top of her lungs. That makes her baby scream, and then a 400-pound male appears.


【解析】考查冠词。此处为固定短语at the top of,此处表示以最大的肺活量喊叫。

7. 【2018·新课标卷III·语法填空】My name is Mireya Mayor. I'm a ___66___(science)who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.



8. 【2018·浙江卷·语法填空】Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese 56 (dish) is seen as especially troublesome.



8. 【2018·浙江卷·语法填空】F Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in 64 (weigh) problems.




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