s360nand A-level数学:三角函数的图形 Graphs of trigonometric functions
发布时间 : 2024-10-10
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23

A-level数学:三角函数的图形 Graphs of trigonometric functions

Graphs, symmetries and periodicities of sin, cos and tan sin、cos和tan的图形、对称性和周期性

The graphs of the three major functions are very important and you need to learn the characteristics of each.


The sine function 正弦函数

This graph is continuous (there are no breaks). 这个图形是连续的(没有中断)The range is -1 ≤ sin θ ≤ +1. 范围是-1 ≤ sin θ ≤ +1The shape of the graph from θ = 0 to θ = 2π is repeated every 2π radians. 从θ=0到θ=2π的图形形状每2π弧度重复一次。This is called a periodic or cyclic function and the width of the repeating pattern that is measured on the horizontal axis, is called the period . The sine wave has a period of 2π, a maximum value of +1, and a minimum value of -1. 这被称为周期性或循环性函数,在横轴上测量的重复图案的宽度被称为周期。正弦波的周期为2π,最大值为+1,最小值为-1。The greatest value of the sine wave is called the amplitude . 正弦波的最大值称为振幅。

The cosine function 余弦函数

This graph is continuous. 这个图形是连续的The range is -1 ≤ cos θ ≤ +1. 其范围是 -1 ≤ cos θ ≤ +1It has a period of 2π. 它的周期为2πThe shape is the same as the sine wave but displaced a distance of π ⁄ 2 to the left on the horizontal axis. This is called a phase shift . 其形状与正弦波相同,但在横轴上向左移了π ⁄ 2的距离。这被称为相移。

The tan function 正切函数

The tan function is found using 正切函数的求法是用:

It therefore follows that tan θ = 0, when sin θ = 0, and tan θ is undefined when cos θ = 0. 因此可以看出,当sin θ=0时,tan θ=0,当cos θ=0时,tan θ未定义。

1. This graph is continuous, but is undefined when 这个图形是连续的,但在以下情况下是未定义的

2. The range of values for tan θ is unlimited. tan θ的取值范围是无限的。

3. It has a period of π. 它的周期为π

All of the three functions periodically repeat their values and the simplest way to learn this, is to make sure that you understand the general rules below which use 'n' to represent any integer (i.e. any whole number, both positive and negative).


(Remember: nπ means "every 180 degrees", and 2nπ means "every 360 degrees".)

(记住:nπ表示 "每180度",而2nπ表示 "每360度")。

Sin curves

sin θ = 0    when    θ = nπ

sin θ = 1    when    θ = 2nπ + π ⁄ 2

sin θ = −1   when    θ = 2nπ − π ⁄ 2

Cos curves

cos θ = 0    when    θ = 2nπ

cos θ = 1    when    θ = (2n + 1) π ⁄ 2

cos θ = −1   when    θ = (2n + 1) π

Tan curves

tan θ = 0    when    θ = nπ

tan θ = ± ∞   when    θ = (2n + 1) π ⁄ 2

Solutions of trigonometric equations 三角形方程的解决方案

A trigonometric equation contains at least one trigonometric function, and when asked to solve the equation we must find the angle(s) for which it is valid.


We are normally required to find particular values of θ in a given interval.



Solve the equation cos θ = 0, for −π ≤ θ ≤ +π. 求解方程cos θ = 0, -π ≤ θ ≤ +π.

The finite solution set is θ = − π ⁄ 2 and π ⁄ 2. 有限的解集是θ=-π ⁄2,π ⁄2。

There are two methods to find the solution of a trigonometric equation 有两种方法可以找到三角方程的解:

Use the graph of the trigonometric functions. 使用三角函数的图形 Use the four quadrants of the coordinate grid. 使用坐标网格的四个象限

The first step in both cases is to find the principal value, (or PV of θ which is the value you get from the calculator).


Principal values for sin, cos and tan sin、cos和tan的主要数值

Principal values for sin θ sin θ的 主要数值

Any equation for sin θ = S for the domain 任何领域的sin θ = S的方程

has one solution in this interval called the principal value of θ. 在这个区间有一个解,叫做θ的主值。

It is in the first or fourth quadrant. 它位于第一象限或第四象限。

The range is shown in the diagram. 其范围如图所示。

Principal values for cos θ cos θ的主要数值

Any equation cos θ = C for the domain [0, π], has one solution in this interval called the principal value of θ.对于域[0, π]的任何方程cos θ = C,在这个区间有一个解,称为θ的主值。

It is in the first or second quadrant. 它位于第一象限或第二象限。

The range is shown in the diagram. 其范围如图所示。

Principal values for tan θ tan θ的主要数值

All the possible values for tan θ = T occur in the interval tan θ = T的所有可能值都出现在区间内

The one solution in this interval called the principal value of θ. 这个区间内的一个解决方案称为θ的主值。

It is in the first or fourth quadrant. 它位于第一象限或第四象限。

The range is shown in the diagram. 其范围如图所示。

Secondary values of sin, cos and tan sin、cos和tan的次要数值

Each trig. function has two solutions in a 360° or 2π interval. The first solution is the principal value, the other solution is called the secondary value , (SV) , and lies in a different quadrant.


This can be found by drawing the graph or using the four quadrants of the coordinate grid as follows.


Solve tan θ = 2, −π ≤ θ ≤ +π 解决tan θ = 2,-π ≤ θ ≤ +π

The first solution, (or principal value) is found using the calculator.


θ = 1.11 (3 sf)

The second solution, (or secondary value), is found using the fact that tan is also positive in the third quadrant (it repeats every θ radians).


θ = π + 1.11 = 4.25 (3 sf)

General Solutions of Trigonometric Equations 三角形方程的一般解

A general solution refers to all angles that satisfy the equation. So, it is an infinite set of angles. This is the same as before but we have to remember the period of the graph to list the rest of the solutions.


As sin and cos repeat every 360° or 2π radians we 由于sin和cos每隔360°或2π弧度重复一次,我们:

Find the two solutions in the initial range, (e.g. −π ≤ θ ≤ +π) 找到初始范围内的两个解,(例如-π≤θ≤+π)Add 360n or 2nπ to both of these 将这两个解加上360n或2nπ

As tan repeats every 180° or π radians we 由于tan每隔180°或π弧度就会重复一次,所以我们:

Find the first solution (PV) initial range, (e.g. −π ≤ θ ≤ +π) 找到第一个解决方案(PV)的初始范围,(例如:-π ≤ θ ≤ +π)Add 180n or nπ

This can be summarised as 这可以归纳为:

For sin θ = S (where |S| ≤ 1), the general solution is 对于sin θ = S(其中|S| ≤ 1),一般的解是

θ = PV + 2nπ


θ = PV + 360°

θ = SV + 2nπ

θ = SV + 360°

For cos θ = C, the general solution is 对于cos θ = C,一般解决方案是

θ = ± PV + 2nπ


θ = ± PV + 360°

For tan θ = T, the general solution is 对于tan θ = T,一般解决方案是

θ = PV + nπ


θ = PV + 180°

The graphs of trigonometric functions of compound angles 复角的三角函数的图形

The graph of the function sin cθ where c is a constant, is a sine wave with a period of 2π ⁄ c. The frequency is c times that of sin θ. This is shown in the diagram below 函数sin cθ的图形,其中c是一个常数,是一个周期为2π ⁄ c的正弦波,其频率是sin θ的c倍:

This rule is also true for cos θ, and tan θ. 这一规则对于cos θ和tan θ也是如此

This means that when solving trigonometric equations with a multiple of θ, there will be a different number of solutions in a 360° range. In these situations find the two initial solutions, make the general set of solutions, and then rearrange to find θ.



Solve cos (3θ + 45) = −0.5 解出cos (3θ + 45) = -0.5

(3θ + 45) = −120 (from calculator) and,

(3θ + 45) = 120 (cos is negative in the second and third quadrants) (cos在第二和第三象限是负的)

Therefore, (3θ + 45) = −120 ± 360n and (3θ + 45) = 120 ± 360n.

Therefore, θ = −55 ± 120n , and θ = 25 ± 120n

A final hint . Watch out for trigonometric equations that are quadratics .


2 sin2 θ + sin θ − 1 = 0

This has to be factorised and then solved. 这必须先进行因式分解,然后再求解。

(2 sin θ − 1) (sin θ + 1) = 0, where 0 ≤ θ ≤ 360

sin θ = 0.5 or sin θ = -1 and solve as before to get,

θ = 30, 150, or 270. (See if you can get these solutions.)


最近,有网友发帖称自己“总是睡不够,工作日睡觉 8 小时,周末睡觉 12 小时都睡不饱”,因为看到有人说“可能是缺维生素D”,就去医院查了下,结果 25- 羟维生素D[25(OH)D] 的全测结果只有 5.52ng/mL(正常情况下,体内维生素D 充足为 25(OH)D≥20ng/mL)。





首先我们来说说维生素D 是什么。

维生素D 是一类脂溶性维生素,对人体的主要作用是促进食物中的钙在肠道的吸收,有利于骨健康。此外,维生素D 还调节体内的许多其他细胞功能。


我们去医院检查的时候,通常是检查血液中的 25-羟维生素D[25(OH)D]水平。

根据中华人民共和国卫生行业标准(WS/T)《人群维生素D缺乏筛查方法》的规定,当血液中 25(OH)D 水平大于 20ng/L 时,表明维生素D 的营养状况是正常的,低于 12ng/L 时即为缺乏。


维生素 D 缺乏,最大的问题的会导致骨质疏松。文章开头这位网友平常会“腿抽筋”,可能就是跟维生素 D 缺乏有关。

但,维生素 D 缺乏会导致睡眠问题吗?



是缺乏维生素D 吗?

对于这类“永远都睡不饱星人”,他们的睡眠很有可能是“非恢复性睡眠 (nonrestorative sleep,NRS)”。


导致非恢复性睡眠的原因很复杂:有心理因素,如情绪障碍等;也有生活习惯因素,包括酒精、烟草和咖啡因的摄入,以及与睡眠卫生不良习惯相关的其他几种行为。但并没有明确的证据显示缺乏维生素 D 是“睡不够”的主要原因。

至于其他类型的失眠症状,确实有一些研究发现,维生素 D 缺乏与失眠、睡眠质量不好有一些关系。比如,就有研究发现,慢性失眠患者血清维生素 D 水平明显低于健康人群。不过,这些研究结果并不一致。

2021 年,挪威一项临床的随机对照研究对 189 名维生素 D 不足人群进行了 4 个月的维生素 D 补充,结果发现,补充维生素 D 对改善睡眠水平并没有产生显著的影响。

2022 年,一项系统综述和荟萃分析研究了维生素 D 补充对睡眠质量的影响,一共纳入 19 项研究,其中含 13 项随机对照研究,结果发现,与安慰剂组相比,维生素 D 补充与睡眠指数下降存在一定关联,但证据等级只是中等。而且,维生素 D 补充与睡眠困难和障碍的影响结果并不一致。研究者因此认为,维生素 D 补充对睡眠的影响还需要进一步研究。

总体来说,尽管维生素 D 缺乏与睡眠障碍有一定的关联,但补充维生素 D 对预防或治疗睡眠障碍并没有直接的作用。














虽然补充维生素 D 对改善睡眠问题没有直接作用,但它对人体的健康依然十分重要。

人类获得维生素 D 主要有两大途径:一是皮肤经阳光中的紫外线照射,自身转化生成维生素 D₃;二是由摄取食物获得,动物性食物富含维生素 D,如奶制品、三文鱼、鲭鱼和沙丁鱼等。

想要获得维生素 D,要注意多进行户外活动。选择紫外线不强的时候,在阳光下晒 10~20 分钟左右即可;另外也可以多吃富含维生素 D 的食物,如奶制品、三文鱼、鲭鱼和沙丁鱼等。

如果实在担心不足,也可以吃点维生素 D 的补充剂。摄入维生素 D 补充剂,通常是益大于弊的。


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