receiver /rɪˈsiːvər/ n. (电话)听筒;
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She picked up the receiver and dialled his number. 她拿起听筒,拨打他的电话号码。
the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear (电话)听筒;
receiver /rɪˈsiːvər/ n.(电话)听筒;
re 表示:向后、再一次、往返。
ceive 表示:抓住。之前几个单词讲了还讲了好几个与其同源的词缀,具体可以去主页复习一下。
综上所述,re+ceive → 再一次接住,引申为:接收物,听筒(座机电话分为听筒和主机,听筒就是起着“接收声音”作用,所以叫receiver)。
TELE comes from Greek tele "far off, at or to a distance"(远) , From PIE root *kwel- "far"(远)
telegram ['tɛlɪɡræm] <CET4 TEM4>n. 电报 vt. 用电报发送 vi. 发电报
[拆] tele(far)+gram(something written) --> 写的东西传到远处 --> 电报
COLLINS : n-count a telegram is a message that is sent by telegraph and then printed and delivered to someone's home or office. 电报 [also 'by' n]
telescope ['tɛləˌskop] <CET4 TEM4> n. 望远镜 v. 叠套缩短;精简,压缩;(车)相撞而嵌进
[拆] tele(far)+scope(看) --> 看清远方 --> 望远镜
COLLINS : n-count a telescope is a long instrument shaped like a tube. it has lenses inside it that make distant things seem larger and nearer when you look through it. 望远镜
拓展 : astronomical telescope 天文望远镜
television [tɛləˌvɪʒən] <CET4 TEM4> n. 电视,电视机;电视业
[拆] tele(far)+vis(see)+ion(n后缀) --> 能看到远方的画面(画面的远距离传输)--> 电视
COLLINS : n-count a television or television set is a piece of electrical equipment consisting of a box with a glass screen on it on which you can watch programmes with pictures and sounds. 电视机
e.g . His first film was shown on television this weekend. 他的第一部电影本周末在电视上播放.
telegraph ['tɛlɪɡræf] <CET4 TEM4> n. [通信] 电报机,电报 vt. 电汇;流露出;打电报给… vi. 打电报
[拆] tele(far)+graph(write) --> 远处写 --> 电报
COLLINS : n-uncount telegraph is a system of sending messages over long distances, either by means of electricity or by radio signals. telegraph was used more often before the invention of telephones. 电报 [also 'the' n]; v-t to telegraph someone means to send them a message by telegraph. 发电报给; v-t if someone telegraphs something that they are planning or intending to do, they make it obvious, either deliberately or accidentally, that they are going to do it. 流露 (要做某事)
e.g . The commission telegraphed its decision earlier this month by telling an official to prepare the order. 该委员会本月早些时候通过让一个官员准备那项命令流露了其要做的决定
telephone [ˈtɛləfon] <CET4 TEM4> n. (美)电话;电话机;电话耳机 vi. 打电话 vt. 打电话给…
[拆] tele(far)+phone(声音) --> 远方传来的声音 --> 电话
COLLINS : n-uncount the telephone is the electrical system of communication that you use to talk directly to someone else in a different place. you use the telephone by dialling a number on a piece of equipment and speaking into it. 电话 ; v-t/v-i if you telephone someone, you dial their telephone number and speak to them by telephone. 打电话给 (某人); 打电话
e.g. He telephoned me that he could not come. 他电话告诉我他不能来了.
telemeter ['telɪmiːtə; tɪ'lemɪtə] n. 测距仪,遥测计;遥测发射器 vt. 用遥测发射器传送 vi. 遥测并传送数据
[拆] tele(far)+meter(measure测量)--> 远距离测量 --> 遥测仪
COLLINS : n any device for recording or measuring a distant event and transmitting the data to a receiver or observer 测距仪 ; v to obtain and transmit (data) from a distant source, esp from a spacecraft从远距离获得和传输(数据)
telegenic [,tɛlɪ'dʒɛnɪk] adj. 适于电视广播的,适于上镜头的
[拆] television + photogenic 的缩写 -->表示该人物或事件可以产生出非常好的电视效果,在电视上看起来很吸引人--> 上镜的
COLLINS : adj someone who is telegenic behaves confidently and looks attractive when they are on television. 适于上电视的
e.g . This time even party elders acknowledge the importance of showing a telegenic face to the public. 这一次,即使是党内元老也都承认,向公众推选一位上镜的面孔有重要意义。
telecommute [,tɛlɪkə'mjut] vi/vt. (利用电脑终端机)远距离工作
[拆] tele(far)+com(intensive)+mute(change) --> commute原指上下班来回移动, 后指通勤, 加上tele 远距离工作 --> (利用电脑终端机)远距离工作
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