bit flip nand 「墨子沙龙」怎样控制量子计算机的量子态|David·Wineland(上)
发布时间 : 2025-01-20
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23


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Quantum Computers——诺贝尔物理学奖获得者David·Wineland_腾讯视频

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Thanks all of you for coming and I'm sorry there isn't more room for you here. But... Anyway so I'm gonna try to give you a little idea about quantum qubit computers, ah... and the second part of the title is some kind of what's called the thought experiment in physics, it's the idea of Schroedinger's Cat if you haven't heard about it before, I'll describe briefly, but it's it's one of the mysteries that still exist that should be possible, anyway I'll get started.


So to just summarize, I think many of you know how the basics... how your PCs and your iPads work and... why do you need... what's interesting about quantum mechanics for computers. It has to do with some very weird properties that we can realize them in quantum systems, and one is called superposition. I'll talk about that briefly and then, I'm gonna say how we can manipulate quantum states for the computers, and at the end I'll come back to how quantum computers relate to Schrodinger's cat which I'll describe along the way.


So one example that I like to try to give an idea about superposition is. From this image up here, You see this line drawing of a cube, some instance of time the front surface will be the square on the left, and at other times you might this this square being in the foreground. So there is kind of this ambiguity about which image you see. If you look at the upper right hand square for a while, you can sometime see one picture. I like this example, because the image up here has both properties simultaneously. This is very much like what we talked about superposition states in quantum mechanics. For example our quantum bits can possess both properties at once, and I'll say a little about that in a minute. The only thing I like about this example is if we have a two-state system in the case whether this image looks like this or like that. When you tend to see in one orientation than the other, that's very much like quantum measurement that is. That is in this image of in the right-hand corner you see both the properties, but when you tend to see one figure or another, that's very much like projecting.


So some examples of small superpositions, what I'm gonna talk about are quantum bits, are atoms that are within their containers what we call traps. So you can think like a marble in a bowl and then Marvel can go back and forth in this bowl, one example of superposition we can realize with our atoms in this bowl. Is that we can realize this situation, where at some instance of time the atom is both at the left side of bowl and in the right side of the ball at the same time. This makes no sense in our ordinary daily experience, but this is the kind of thing (things) that we can realize in these quantum systems. So that we called superposition in this example here, it's... at some instance of time it's a superposition of the atom being (on the) most on the left side of the right side at the same time. What we are gonna be interested in, for making trying to make a quantum computer using these ideas of superposition, is that we are gonna use the internal energy levels, so the states of the electron in the atom to make a quantum bit. And so for example we can take the very lowest energy state which I'm labeling 0 here, and we can take the next higher energy state and we can label it as one, and in this quantum systems we could make up ordinary quantum bit in this way by just using these different energy states. But we can also we can also make these superposition states, where it's both at 0 and 1 at the same time. I'll say just a little bit about what these coefficients mean in a minute.

还有一些小系统的叠加态的例子,我要讲到的是量子比特,是处于势阱中的原子,你可以把它想象成碗里的弹珠,弹珠可以在碗里来回地滚动,我们通过“碗里”的原子就可以实现一种叠加态。这种条件下,有时候原子同时处在“碗”的左边和右边,而这在我们的日常经验中讲不通,但是在量子系统中就可以实现。这就是叠加态的一个例子,有时候原子可以同时处在左边和右边的叠加态。对于利用叠加态来做量子计算机,我们感兴趣的是利用原子的电子内态作为量子比特。比如可以把最低能太标记为|0>,把相邻的较高能态标记为|1>,这样利用这些不同的能态就可以在量子系统中组成普通的量子比特。但是我们也可以用它们的叠加态,也就是同时处在 |0>和|1>态。我马上就说一下这些系数的意义。

So I'm not sure I'm gonna explain quantum computing to you, but I hope I can give you an idea why this looks interesting. And so again what we're gonna can talk about is a system where we can. In our classical computers we know a bit can be either 0 or 1, but in our quantum bits or qubits we call it, this bit can be both 0 and 1 at the same time, so one reason you can get an idea why this is interesting is how memory could scale in a in a quantum register. So here's a simple example where we have a 3 bit memory register, and for our normal classical computers this will store one 3-bit binary number, for example 101, but in a superposition sense, our quantum register will store 000, 001 up to 111, all of these 8 possibilities at the same time. So what I want you to take away from this is that there is this property that we can have a massive parallel memory, that is we can store all of these at once.

我可能不会给你们详细解释量子计算,但是我希望可以让你们理解它为什么有意思。我们要讨论这样一个系统...... 大家知道经典计算机里一个比特可以是0或1,但是量子比特中,它可以同时是0和1,所以量子计算机有意思的一方面是量子寄存器是如何按比例增加的。比如这个3比特的内存寄存器,通常的经典计算机中可以存储一个3比特的二进制数,比如101,但是如果是叠加态,量子寄存器就可以同时存储从000,001一直到111,也就是所有的8中可能存的数。所以我希望你们能从中学到的是量子比特的这种大量并行内存,可以同时存储所有这些数。

So then why this is interesting, this example I gave with 3 bits in our quantum register, we can store all 8 possible 3-binary numbers at once, that number of 8 is 2 to the 3, it's the number of states of a bit to the power of number of bits we have. And why this is potentially interesting is that if we have 300 quantum bits, that can store 2 to the 300 numbers at once, that's about 10 to the 90, that's more than all the elementary particles in the Universe. In some sense our quantum memory with just 300 bits , quantum bits, could store more memory than if we made a classical memory based on all the matter in the universe, that sounds pretty interesting. So then the thing is that, you notice I've used these different coefficients, I'll explain, that's a little bit mathematical... but it explains these coefficients have so different values. They are meant to represent the, you know... the probability of the state being in the |000> versus |111>, that's to distinguish these probabilities. So the other issue is that when we do one operation on this quantum register, we just flip the first bit, in general it changes all these coefficients in front of this quantum register at once. I am writing it like this, this is sort of standard notation for how we write wave functions in quantum mechanics. The quantum computers are very good that we don't have this one, it's ok, so anyway the idea is that we could do massive parallel processing.


Ok, but there is something we have to realize in quantum mechanics, So when you first take quantum mechanics, you realize you can think about making these superposition states, when you actually go on and measure the system, the quantum states which are represented here, collapses down into one state. In other word, this register that has 8 numbers binary numbers, when we measure it, it will collapse down to one of the binary numbers in a sense independent of the number of bits. So if you have a 300-quantum-bit machine, when we measure the register, it will collapse down to a 300-bit binary number. So that sounds like a severe restriction. But in 1995 or 1994, Peter Shora computer theorist, came up with a computer algorithm, that said if we can make this quantum computer which I'll briefly describe to you, we can efficiently factorize large numbers. That means... Factorization is if we have a large number, if it's the product of two smaller numbers. We can find those factors, and for very large numbers, say 300 digit numbers decimal numbers, that becomes a very hard problem. But he, Peter Shor figured out an efficient way to do that. And I should have said that, one of the reasons I think many of you know why that is interesting if you factorize large numbers, basically that, almost all encryption that's used to provide privacy for you.

但是还得用量子力学来实现一些前提,首先考虑到量子力学时,你会想到可以制成这些量子叠加态,但是当你真正继续测量量子系统时,这里的量子叠加态就会坍缩到一个态上去。换句话说,这个存储8个二进制数的寄存器,当我们测量它的时候,无论有多少个比特,都会坍缩成为其中的一个二进制数,所以当你测量一个300量子比特的计算机,它会坍缩成“一个”300比特的二进制数,这听起来是严重的限制。但是1995年或1994年,计算机理论学家Peter Shor提出了一个计算机算法,说假如可以制成量子计算机就可以有效的进行大数分解。大数分解也就是,如果一个非常大的数,可以表示成两个更小的数的乘积,我们可以找到这两个小的因子,对于非常大的数,比如300位的十进制数,这是非常困难的问题。但是Peter Shor得到了大数分解的非常有效的方法。我要说,你们很多人应该知道,这有意思的理由是如果可以分解大数,基本上几乎所有提供隐私的加密。

For example when you buy something with credit card, you gain security, you have privacy because the inability to factorize large numbers. And so if this machine could be made, it will obviously have important applications not only for credit card but also for national secret things. Anyway what I want to say here, this will get a little bit mathematical. But I want to say what we think about when we talk about programming our quantum computer if we compared it to a classical computer. It turn out it may not be the most efficient way to make a classical computer. Basically you can do what's called universal computation, you can do any computation if you just combine two gates. One is a bit flip, and the other is some nontrivial 2-bit logic gate, this gate is a 2-bit “AND” gate. Now there is an analogy with our quantum bits that rather than just doing simple bit flip, what we talk about is rotation. And the idea here is we can represent our quantum bits by a vector, so the vector could be pointing either up or down, But in the quantum world we can make this vector point in any direction. And so we want this a bit more general property than a bit flip, in fact I write one example of a 2-bit logic gate in the quantum world. These two tables for this (gate), (I mean) it looks like it does nothing except we pick up a minus sign in front of this for this particular phase gate, we pick up a minus sign in front of this state.


And so why is that interesting? The reason it's interesting is that if we have two quantum bits and let's say they are both in equal superposition of |0> and |1>, Then if we apply this phase gate operator, we get a wave function that looks like this. And what I write here expresses the idea that, initially the initial states, the states of the bits are independent of each other, but it turns out when we make this phase gate, we can no longer write a wave function that's where the properties of the two bits are separate. This is what we call entanglement, if we measure one of the bits it affects the value of the other bit.


So anyway, here is a picture of Peter Shor at the time he invented this algorithm, there were some earlier ideas by other theorists who I mention here, but Peter Shor's algorithm has such implications particularly for security. That starts things on fire, you know the governments got interested so there's a lot of interest in founding this kind of research. I think you know even today this interest continues to grow, in China here they spend a huge flux of interest trying to make quantum computers and related devices. So the interest continues to grow.

这是一张Peter Shor发明Shor算法的时候的照片,在他之前还有一些其他理论学家提出的想法,就是这些人。但是Peter Shor的算法影响到了安全,这样就使这个方向火了起来,政府开始感兴趣,并且非常想资助这类研究。相比大家都知道,直到今天这种兴趣还持续增长,在中国,大家花了很大的兴趣来制造量子计算机和相关的器件,所以这类兴趣一直在增长。

I can't remember whether you're gonna see, Peter Shor's lecture, he's giving it in Shanghai, and there was supposed to be video link I'm not sure whether it's gonna happen. So anyway I may embarrassed myself and in front of Peter Shor here, but just to give you an idea that it's not too mystical, it's not so much different from the way we do classical programming. And the very crude explanation how this works is, if you're gonna factorize big numbers you need to stick in a superposition state, that has all the numbers up to the one you're trying to factorize and some additional numbers, you know work space to do the computations. But basically it's not so much different than line programming in our classical computers. The idea of the algorithm is that basically you have these inputs which could be equal superposition of all these possible numbers, and then you just apply a series of these both 2-bit logic gates and a single-bit rotations, we say where change the direction of the vector. Anyway that would provide us a very simple explanation all the way how the algorithm works, so in fact in a way it's not mysterious.

不知道你们会不会看得到,Peter Shor会在上海做讲座,应该有视频连接的,不知道还有没有,我就在Peter Shor面前班门弄斧了。但是告诉你们,其实也不是特别神秘,跟我们做经典编程的方法区别并不很大,这个算法工作的一个非常简单的解释是加入要分解大数,需要插入一个叠加态,这个态包含直到需要分解的大数的所有数,以及用来做计算需要的一些额外的比特数,但是基本上跟经典计算机里的线路编程没有很大的不同,这个算法的思想就是输入相当于所有这些可能数值的叠加态,然后运用一系列的2比特逻辑门和单比特的旋转操作,改变向量的方向,这样就可以简单地解释算法怎么运行的,所以其实一定程度上并不是很神秘。

I think many of you have see this in your beginning of physics classes, maybe you performed an experiment where you have this water wave experiment. So the idea here in this a simple demonstration about waves that you have a wave coming and pinching on this barrier. There will be some little opening series of this barrier, then some of the wave propagate through. And in fact they pass this barrier, the waves interfere, so you get constructive interference and destructive interference, and in fact what we do in our quantum systems. One way to think about it, it's obviously a much more complicated kind of interference experiment, but it's essentially the same idea where you are interfering these different waves from our quantum bits.


So anyway there is are a lot of details, but anyway the idea is then you perform the algorithm that Peter Shor described, then you finally measure your quantum register. In his algorithm, if everything works perfectly, you still, when you measure make some probabilities, several possible states, but it turns out, he showed that in his algorithm, that anyone of those states could be used as a classical number theory algorithm to give you the factors. So just give you an idea of, you know, the difficulty and where we are now. So just for example to factorize a 150-digit decimal number, it takes about 10 to the 9 operations like this to do it, and so far in our experiments it's still pretty crude. Now at the point, we can do several hundred operations without an error, but beyond that we can't get anywhere near 10 to the 9, so we have a long way to go. There's another whole subject which is in part invented by Peter Shor, that is, he showed that in fact you can correct for errors in the quantum mechanics, so but that's a whole subaspect course in college and I'm not gonna talk about that.

反正其中有很多的细节,按照Peter Shor的想法做算法操作,然后最后得到量子寄存器,在他的算法中,如果一切完美的话,当你测量概率的时候,仍然有一些态,但结果是,他在算法中证明,这些态中的任意一个都可以用经典数论算法给出因子。然后让大家了解一下我们面临的困难和目前的处境,比如分解一个150位的十进制数,需要大约10的9次方次操作完成分解。而我们目前的实验仍然非常简单,目前,我们可以做几百次操作不出现错误,但是超过几百次,就很难做到10的9次方次操作了,所有还有很长的路要走。还有另外一个完整的研究方向,Peter Shor部分参与了开拓,他证明量子力学中其实可以进行纠错,但那是大学里一整个的子分支方向,我就不多说了。





编译 | 未玖

Nature,26 May 2022, VOL 605, ISSUE 7911



In situ recording of Mars soundscape


▲ 作者:S. Maurice, B. Chide, N. Murdoch, R. D. Lorenz, D. Mimoun, R. C. Wiens, et al.

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▲ 摘要:


研究组利用“毅力号”麦克风现场录音,首次描述了火星上的声学环境,以及可听范围内外(20 Hz至50kHz)的压力波动。他们发现,大气声音将压力变化的测量范围扩展到比以往任何测量小1000倍的尺度,显示出一种能量扩展超过五个数量级的耗散状态。



▲ Abstract:

Before the Perseverance rover landing, the acoustic environment of Mars was unknown. Models predicted that: (1) atmospheric turbulence changes at centimetre scales or smaller at the point where molecular viscosity converts kinetic energy into heat, (2) the speed of sound varies at the surface with frequency and (3) high-frequency waves are strongly attenuated with distance in CO2. However, theoretical models were uncertain because of a lack of experimental data at low pressure and the difficulty to characterize turbulence or attenuation in a closed environment. Here, using Perseverance microphone recordings, we present the first characterization of the acoustic environment on Mars and pressure fluctuations in the audible range and beyond, from 20 Hz to 50 kHz. We find that atmospheric sounds extend measurements of pressure variations down to 1,000 times smaller scales than ever observed before, showing a dissipative regime extending over five orders of magnitude in energy. Using point sources of sound (Ingenuity rotorcraft, laser-induced sparks), we highlight two distinct values for the speed of sound that are about 10 m s−1 apart below and above 240 Hz, a unique characteristic of low-pressure CO2-dominated atmosphere. We also provide the acoustic attenuation with distance above 2 kHz, allowing us to explain the large contribution of the CO2 vibrational relaxation in the audible range. These results establish a ground truth for the modelling of acoustic processes, which is critical for studies in atmospheres such as those of Mars and Venus.


Free-electron lasing with compact beam-driven plasma wakefield accelerator


▲ 作者:R. Pompili, D. Alesini, M. P. Anania, S. Arjmand, M. Behtouei, M. Bellaveglia, et al.

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▲ 摘要:






▲ Abstract:

The possibility to accelerate electron beams to ultra-relativistic velocities over short distances by using plasma-based technology holds the potential for a revolution in the field of particle accelerators. The compact nature of plasma-based accelerators would allow the realization of table-top machines capable of driving a free-electron laser (FEL), a formidable tool to investigate matter at the sub-atomic level by generating coherent light pulses with sub-ångström wavelengths and sub-femtosecond durations. So far, however, the high-energy electron beams required to operate FELs had to be obtained through the use of conventional large-size radio-frequency (RF) accelerators, bound to a sizeable footprint as a result of their limited accelerating fields. Here we report the experimental evidence of FEL lasing by a compact (3-cm) particle-beam-driven plasma accelerator. The accelerated beams are completely characterized in the six-dimensional phase space and have high quality, comparable with state-of-the-art accelerators. This allowed the observation of narrow-band amplified radiation in the infrared range with typical exponential growth of its intensity over six consecutive undulators. This proof-of-principle experiment represents a fundamental milestone in the use of plasma-based accelerators, contributing to the development of next-generation compact facilities for user-oriented applications.

信息科学Information Science

Realizing repeated quantum error correction in a distance-three surface code


▲ 作者:Sebastian Krinner, Nathan Lacroix, Ants Remm, Agustin Di Paolo, Elie Genois, Catherine Leroux, et al.

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▲ 摘要:



在仅需1.1 μs的纠错周期中,研究组证明了逻辑量子位的四种基态保持。重复执行周期,使用无错误模型方法中的最小权重完美匹配算法,来测量和解码位翻转和相位翻转错误伴随式,并在后处理中进行校正。


▲ Abstract:

Quantum computers hold the promise of solving computational problems that are intractable using conventional methods. For fault-tolerant operation, quantum computers must correct errors occurring owing to unavoidable decoherence and limited control accuracy. Here we demonstrate quantum error correction using the surface code, which is known for its exceptionally high tolerance to errors. Using 17 physical qubits in a superconducting circuit, we encode quantum information in a distance-three logical qubit, building on recent distance-two error-detection experiments. In an error-correction cycle taking only 1.1 μs, we demonstrate the preservation of four cardinal states of the logical qubit. Repeatedly executing the cycle, we measure and decode both bit-flip and phase-flip error syndromes using a minimum-weight perfect-matching algorithm in an error-model-free approach and apply corrections in post-processing. We find a low logical error probability of 3% per cycle when rejecting experimental runs in which leakage is detected. The measured characteristics of our device agree well with a numerical model. Our demonstration of repeated, fast and high-performance quantum error-correction cycles, together with recent advances in ion traps, support our understanding that fault-tolerant quantum computation will be practically realizable

Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations


▲ 作者:Lukas Postler, Sascha Heuβen, Ivan Pogorelov, Manuel Rispler, Thomas Feldker, Michael Meth, et al.

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▲ 摘要:





▲ Abstract:

Quantum computers can be protected from noise by encoding the logical quantum information redundantly into multiple qubits using error-correcting codes. When manipulating the logical quantum states, it is imperative that errors caused by imperfect operations do not spread uncontrollably through the quantum register. This requires that all operations on the quantum register obey a fault-tolerant circuit design, which, in general, increases the complexity of the implementation. Here we demonstrate a fault-tolerant universal set of gates on two logical qubits in a trapped-ion quantum computer. In particular, we make use of the recently introduced paradigm of flag fault tolerance, where the absence or presence of dangerous errors is heralded by the use of auxiliary flag qubits. We perform a logical two-qubit controlled-NOT gate between two instances of the seven-qubit colour code, and fault-tolerantly prepare a logical magic state. We then realize a fault-tolerant logical T gate by injecting the magic state by teleportation from one logical qubit onto the other. We observe the hallmark feature of fault tolerance—a superior performance compared with a non-fault-tolerant implementation. In combination with recently demonstrated repeated quantum error-correction cycles, these results provide a route towards error-corrected universal quantum computation.

材料科学Materials Science

Cilia metasurfaces for electronically programmable microfluidic manipulation


▲ 作者:Wei Wang, Qingkun Liu, Ivan Tanasijevic, Michael F. Reynolds, Alejandro J. Cortese, Marc Z. Miskin, et al.

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▲ 摘要:






▲ Abstract:

Cilial pumping is a powerful strategy used by biological organisms to control and manipulate fluids at the microscale. However, despite numerous recent advances in optically, magnetically and electrically driven actuation, development of an engineered cilial platform with the potential for applications has remained difficult to realize. Here we report on active metasurfaces of electronically actuated artificial cilia that can create arbitrary flow patterns in liquids near a surface. We first create voltage-actuated cilia that generate non-reciprocal motions to drive surface flows at tens of microns per second at actuation voltages of 1 volt. We then show that a cilia unit cell can locally create a range of elemental flow geometries. By combining these unit cells, we create an active cilia metasurface that can generate and switch between any desired surface flow pattern. Finally, we integrate the cilia with a light-powered complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) clock circuit to demonstrate wireless operation. As a proof of concept, we use this circuit to output voltage pulses with various phase delays to demonstrate improved pumping efficiency using metachronal waves. These powerful results, demonstrated experimentally and confirmed using theoretical computations, illustrate a pathway towards fine-scale microfluidic manipulation, with applications from microfluidic pumping to microrobotic locomotion.

地球科学Earth Science

Enhanced silica export in a future ocean triggers global diatom decline


▲ 作者:Jan Taucher, Lennart T. Bach, A. E. Friederike Prowe, Tim Boxhammer, Karin Kvale & Ulf Riebesell

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▲ 摘要:


研究组对不同生物群系的自然浮游生物群落进行了5次原位围隔实验研究,发现到2100年,在pCO2条件下,海洋酸化将使下沉生源物质中硅(Si)与氮(N)的元素比增加17 ± 6%。Si:N的这种变化似乎是因海水pH值降低时二氧化硅的化学溶解速度变慢所致。



▲ Abstract:

Diatoms account for up to 40% of marine primary production and require silicic acid to grow and build their opal shell. On the physiological and ecological level, diatoms are thought to be resistant to, or even benefit from, ocean acidification. Yet, global-scale responses and implications for biogeochemical cycles in the future ocean remain largely unknown. Here we conducted five in situ mesocosm experiments with natural plankton communities in different biomes and find that ocean acidification increases the elemental ratio of silicon (Si) to nitrogen (N) of sinking biogenic matter by 17 ± 6 per cent under pCO2 conditions projected for the year 2100. This shift in Si:N seems to be caused by slower chemical dissolution of silica at decreasing seawater pH. We test this finding with global sediment trap data, which confirm a widespread influence of pH on Si:N in the oceanic water column. Earth system model simulations show that a future pH-driven decrease in silica dissolution of sinking material reduces the availability of silicic acid in the surface ocean, triggering a global decline of diatoms by 13–26 per cent due to ocean acidification by the year 2200. This outcome contrasts sharply with the conclusions of previous experimental studies, thereby illustrating how our current understanding of biological impacts of ocean change can be considerably altered at the global scale through unexpected feedback mechanisms in the Earth system.








16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem是什么意思?-ZOL问答


oppofindn2 flip 屏幕刷新率?












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