joker nand toilet 小学一年级入学建议
发布时间 : 2024-10-10
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23





























What are the safety precautions for freshmen entering primary school? Who is forbidden to enter? Generally speaking, when children reach the age of six or seven, they basically have the conditions to receive primary education in all aspects of psychology and body. At this stage, due to the influence of environment, family and school, children began to envy the life of primary school students, new books, new schoolbags, new pencil boxes, red scarves, etc. The development of children's psychology and the influence of the objective environment make them have a strong desire to go to school and study, and show their beautiful feelings of becoming a primary school student all the time. At this time, parents should carefully observe their children's emotions and mentality, and work with their children to welcome their new life with enthusiasm. For example, the couple deliberately said to the child with envy: "Tiantian has grown up. It's amazing. He will soon become a primary school student." Let children have a sense of honor and pride when they are primary school students. For another example, take the opportunity of holidays or walks to take your children around the campus, get familiar with the environment, and take the opportunity to induce the children: "how beautiful and clean this school is! The teachers here are knowledgeable. They teach children to read, count, sing, dance, and learn knowledge. Reading here, you will become more intelligent and capable like your little brother and sister." For another example, when a child holds a book and pesters you to tell a story, you take the opportunity to tell him: "when you go to school, you can read the story yourself. At that time, you can be a teacher for your parents and tell stories to them." So as to cultivate children's yearning for school and their enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge. Don't frighten the children: "you are naughty again. When you go to school, let the teacher take care of you!" And so on. Such language will make children have a sense of fear before they enter school, and it is easy to form psychological barriers. 2、 The ability to cultivate children's self-care ability is not innate, but gradually formed in the process of adapting to the environment. In the early 1990s, China and Japan jointly held a summer camp for Chinese and Japanese students. During the camp, the greatest weakness exposed by Chinese children was their poor living ability. For a while, the Japanese news media trumpeted that Japanese students would defeat Chinese students in the 21st century, and belittled the ability and virtue of Chinese students. No matter what the motivation of the Japanese to belittle Chinese students is, this issue cannot but arouse the deep thinking of our parents and teachers. Psychological research shows that there is a critical period in the development of children's ability. During the critical period, children's ability is easy to develop. After the training period, after the critical period, it is particularly difficult to cultivate children's ability. We often see some parents, children go to school, but also a mouthful to feed him; When he finished his homework, he always corrected his mistakes himself; The visitors always help the children with their schoolbags. Where children exist, there are parents. In this way, it is really hard for parents, but the children are becoming more and more incompetent. We know that children live a collective life in kindergartens. They have teachers working with them all day. If they encounter difficulties in life, such as wearing clothes and tying shoelaces, they will get timely help from teachers. After entering primary school, the child lives a relatively independent study life. Problems such as tying shoes, going to the toilet, preparing school supplies and so on all depend on the child himself. The child's slow movement and poor ability will inevitably affect his study. I have found from the practice of leading classes for many years that in primary school, the students with excellent academic performance are always those with strong ability. It can be seen that in order to cultivate children's self-care ability management, the author suggests that parents should keep in mind that children should do what they can and should do. Parents should help them overcome difficulties in practical actions, not replace them. When children encounter difficulties, they should be constantly encouraged to have strong confidence and determination, so that they will never give up until they reach their goals. In addition, appropriate guidance should be given on the methods and techniques to overcome difficulties, so that children can master the skills to overcome difficulties and avoid detours. To cultivate children's self-care ability, we should start from every small thing in life. For example, we should leave children with their own small world, guide them to learn to clean up the utensils in their own small world, and learn to dress, wash their faces, fold their quilts, tidy up their rooms, carry out meals, clean the tables, sweep the floor and other small things. 3、 Paying attention to children's emotional changes early childhood education promotes children's all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor in games and activities. The teaching method is very interesting and easy to attract children. However, primary education has certain teaching tasks. Teachers teach systematically and step by step. Compared with kindergarten education, it is more knowledgeable. The psychological childishness, dependence and behavioral unwillingness of children who have just entered primary school are still prominent, and they can not quickly adapt to primary school life, which brings some difficulties to learning. For example, we found that some students were very curious and eager to go to school just a few days after they entered school. However, after a while, their enthusiasm became cold. They missed kindergartens and cried to go to kindergartens, unwilling to go to school. This is the common phenomenon of "love garden" in our primary education. The phenomenon of "falling in love with the kindergarten" shows that these children can not adapt well to the learning life of primary school students, and still miss the kindergarten lifestyle. At this time, parents should never ignore or scold their children. Instead, they should care about their children, pay attention to their little changes, meditate and patiently educate and guide their children, communicate with their children psychologically and ideologically, and help them adjust their mentality and adjust the rules of life. You can take him to the kindergarten and ask his kindergarten teacher to do ideological work; You can talk to your child, understand his difficulties and help him solve them; You can also tell stories about children of the same age around you, or fairy tales, to set an example for children to learn from and enhance their confidence. 4、 Help children develop good habits. Good learning habits, like strong learning interest and correct learning methods, play an important role in learning. Once children have good learning habits, they will benefit for life. 1. Form a good habit of preparation before class) tell the children to ring the bell twice before class. The first time is the preparatory bell. When you hear the preparatory bell, you should hurry into the classroom, take the books, notebooks and pens for class, and put them neatly. Don't put the unused things on the table. Then, sit quietly and wait for the teacher to come to class. The second time was the class bell. When the bell rang, the teacher would give the children a lesson. Before school, parents can perform mock performances at home. 2. Develop correct sitting and writing posture. The correct sitting posture should be: the upper part of the body should be sitting straight, the head should be straight, the eyes should be in front, the hands should be placed on both sides of the body at will, the legs should be flat, and the chest should be straight. Tell them not to lie on the table or cross their legs. Because good sitting posture is conducive to bone growth and good health. Some of our parents are eager for their children to succeed. They teach their children to read and write in advance, often ignoring their children's writing posture. It is difficult to correct bad habits when they are formed. Wrong writing methods not only affect the beauty of the font, but also affect the writing speed, and also affect the development of children's small muscles and bones. Correct writing posture includes three aspects: 1. Correct sitting posture, and achieve "one straight and two flat", that is, the body is straight, the head is straight, the shoulders are flat, and the legs are flat. 2. The writing posture is correct, the thumb and index finger clamp the pen holder, the other three fingers hold it, and the pen holder tilts back slightly, leaning against the tiger's mouth. 3. Achieve the "three ones": one foot away from books; One punch from the chest to the table; The hand is an inch from the tip of the pen. 3. To develop good reading habits, we should prevent three reading phenomena. One is "reading scriptures", that is, looking at other places, like a monk reading scriptures, with no intention of speaking; The second is "reading while reading", that is, when reading, I always look at the time. You let me read for half an hour, and I read for half an hour to see if the time is up; The third is "quantity book", which means that the number of reading times is the standard. If you let me read it three times, I will read it three times and count it once. These three kinds of reading are all books without quality. When educating children to read, they should achieve the "three to": eye, mouth and heart, that is, reading, watching and thinking at the same time. Most of the lower grade texts are illustrated with both pictures and texts. Reading the text, looking at the pictures and comparing the pictures and texts, you can think about it. Reading is efficient and quality. Grade 1 and grade 2 should mainly read aloud in Mandarin, with clear speech and loud voice, without missing words, adding words, reading wrong words and breaking sentences. Long term training can improve children's sensitivity to language. 4. To develop good communication habits, children should be warned to learn to listen. When others speak, they should not be absent-minded. They should listen attentively and understand the main content and meaning of each other's words; Learn to speak Mandarin with appropriate voice, clear speech and moderate speed, so that the other party can understand the meaning they want to express; When talking with others, be natural, open-minded and polite.












How wonderful are the wonderful roommates you've been with? Roommates are a kind of magical creatures, and their stories can't be told for three days and three nights. Let's count them one by one: the first type of forced night owl, you should be quiet when I sleep! You can't sleep until I sleep! Every night, you can hear the sound of his playing games, and the clatter of the keyboard. From the beginning to 12 o'clock, then to 2 o'clock, and then directly all night, the whole dormitory can hear the sound of "crackling". I am a late night owl. I usually go to bed at two o'clock. At this time, he is working hard and says "shipment!" "It hasn't been shipped yet!" "I have this equipment!" I want the whole earth to know. After each reminder, it will be better for a while. After a while, it will be the same again The second kind sings when they die. They sing every night. From the beginning of work to two o'clock in the morning, the noise of the keyboard accompanies him and swings along with his rhythm! As long as you wear headphones, the whole world is his. What are Jay Chou and JJ Lin? He is the new "good voice of China"! Alas! It's a pity that fate makes man at a bad time! No one has ever asked him to sign a record or anything. The third type is love type. They fall in love at work, after work, in bed and under the bed. Their girlfriends change several times a year. Each section has different reasons for breaking up. They have always believed that they are loved ones. Let's talk about love! It's no big deal, but what do you mean by posting your girlfriend's chat records everywhere? Eight people and six single dogs in the dormitory sent their records of flirting with girls to the dormitory group every day. From time to time, they became "love experts" and carefully analyzed "this is the way to reply to short messages" and "where is this good?". I really should give him an emotional column. I can't bury the good talents who flirt with girls! The fourth kind is to connect the sky, the earth and the air. No matter what you do, you can connect with everyone. Everyone is unhappy and wants to scold anyone you see. When he picks up his mobile phone and opens the king's glory, your "epic mouth gun teammate" is online! The start is like scolding, "why haven't you entered the game? What the hell are you doing? What can you do without playing the game?" "Look at this group of vegetable chickens. What role do you choose? You can't play taxi qualifying!" "And this hero trainer! It's great to practice heroes! You can practice heroes, you can pit, you can rehearse!" Others are tired of playing games, but he is tired of playing games! I usually play for three or five hours, and my mouth is tired. I stop to have a good rest for a while, then open the headlines, click on a news at random, and quickly enter the following words: "Xiao Bian has no brain? XX is XX's! It's not too embarrassing to have a primary school culture!" "If I say so, it's because these XX Xiaobian are blind every day..." Cycle, cycle, cycle In the fifth category, I went to the toilet. This toilet is mine! I don't know why a girl should take such a long bath, but I can't imagine why a man can stay in the toilet for an hour! He entered the toilet to challenge our bladder! Once a roommate couldn't help pouring out all the coke he just bought just for "convenience". Every time we remind him to hurry up, he also says that he is innocent, "come in and use it!". But you stand beside me, how can I feel at ease "convenient"? Winter is even worse. After he came out, the whole bathroom was like a fairyland It's all fog! The most direct consequence is that we have no hot water! So I was waiting for an hour of hot water The sixth kind of Lao Tzu is old and big! I'm sorry to say rude words! But that's the attitude! My reputation as "bedroom head" is actually the privilege of "bedroom head". I want to take the responsibility of "bedroom head". Relying on the fact that he is a related customer of the company, various barbaric regulations: it's your turn to clean up today, and it's your turn to wash the dishes today! But when it was my turn, I pretended to be wronged: I was playing a game! I'm too busy. Please help me get it! you 're right! He is the first night owl! No one is perfect. Everyone has his own characteristics. For example, my irregular life, sleeping and talking in my sleep have also brought them a lot of trouble, but they have all chosen to forgive. I am very happy about that. But in the end I chose to move out of this dormitory, because it was really too! Noisy! Yes!





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