601 physical nand 打卡中考英语单词背诵第20天第20句
发布时间 : 2024-10-21
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23



The more hours you don't sleep,the more hours you should sleep to "pay back"the hours on your "sleep credit card".



本句为“The+比较级,the+比较级”结构,意思是“越…就越.”情态动词should在此处表示建议或劝告,意思是“应该,应当”后面跟动词原形。to“pay back”the hours on your“sleep credit card”在此处作目的状语,pay back的意思是“偿还”。


599 hour [ˈaʊə(r)] n.小时,钟点;时间,时刻;课时,(工作或学习等的)固定时间

600 should [ʃʊd , ʃəd] modal v.应该,应当

pay back偿还;报答

credit card信用卡

601 credit [ˈkredɪt] n. 赊购; 结余; 贷记



602 diet [ˈdaɪət] n.日常饮食;节食v.节食

the traditional diet传统饮食

603 fitness [ˈfɪtnəs] n.健壮,健康

604 habit [ˈhæbɪt] n.习惯,习性

Habit(of) 养成...的习惯

develop/form/get into a habit(of)养成…的习惯

have a habit of有…的习惯

living habit生活习惯

605 habitual [həˈbɪtʃuəl] adj.习惯的

606 habitually [həˈbɪtjʊəli] adv.习惯地

607 healthful [ˈhelθfl] adj.有益于健康的

healthful exercise健身运动

608 lifestyle [ˈlaɪfstaɪl] n.生活方式

healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式

609 peace [pi:s] n.和平;安宁;平和,平静

War and Peace《战争与和平》(托尔斯泰的巨著)

peace of mind心态平和

610 well-being [ˈwel biːɪŋ] n.健康,安乐

physical wel-being身体健康


401. make a list 列一张清单

402. make a profit赚取利润

403. make a promise许诺

404.make a will立遗嘱

405. make an effort努力

406. make arrangements for=arrange for sb. to do为....安排

407. make comments on发 表评论

408. make complaints about抱怨

409. make contact with ...取 得联系

410. make contributions to对....作贡献

411. make a difference to对... 起作用,有意义

412. make it a rule to/that规定

413. make out 辨认出

414. make sense讲得通,有意义

415. make sure确保, 查明

416. make trouble 惹麻烦

417. make up组成; 编造;补偿

418. make up for补偿, 弥补

419. make full use of=take full advantage of充分使用;利用

420. make/ leave an impression on留下印象

421. maintain a positive attitude toward(maintain the family/a car养家、养车)对..持有积极态度

422. major in English(an English major英语专业学生)主修英语

423. master a language掌握一门语言

424. means of transportation交通工具

425. meet one's needs/ demand/ expectation满足某人的需要/期望

426. meeting with difficulties遇到困难

427. medical care医疗

428. mess up弄乱,弄糟

429. mental/physical work 脑力、体力劳动

430. miss the good/golden chance错失良机

431. mistake A for B 把A误认为B

432. negotiate with sb.与某 人谈判协商

433. natural resources/reserve自然资源/保护区

434. not necessarily 未必

435. neutral attitude中立态度

436. nothing but ( anything but绝不是)仅仅,只是

437. nuclear weapons核武器

438. oblige sb. to do迫使某人

439. observe/obey the regulations/ rules遵守规则

440. occur to 想到

441. offensive/insulting words冒犯性的话语

442. one's outlook on life人生观

443. on behalf of代表

444. on board在船上

445. on campus在校园内

446. on condition that在···的条件下

447. on fire 着火

448. on one's own单独

449. on one's side 站在某人一边,支持某人

450. on purpose故 意地

451. on sale 出售; 廉价出售

452. on second thoughts再三考虑

453. on the contrary正相反

454. on the occasion of在做某事的场合/情况

455. on the scene/spot 在现场

456. on the whole就总体而言

457. once in a while偶尔

458. operate on做手术

459. original version原版

460. other than(rather than 而不是) 除了

461. out of breath 喘不过气来

462. out of order/ control失灵/失控

463. out of/ within range在射 程外/内

464. overcome temporary difficulties克服困难

465. overflow with learning 才华横溢

466. overall ability综合能力

467. owe sth. to sb.把..归功于

468. participate in 参与

469. pass away穿过,经历

470. pass by 路过

471. pass on/ down传递; 传授

472. pass through穿过,经历

473. pay a visit to 访问,经历

474. pay attention to注意

475. pay a heavy price for 为..付出惨痛代价

476. pay back偿还,回报

477. pay off 还清(借款)

478. people present at the press conference新闻发布会上在场人员

479. personal belongs 个人财产

480. persuade sb. to do/into doing劝说

481. pick up a language/skill学会语言/技巧

482. place an order for订购某物

483. play a major/minor part(in) ( ...中起主要、次要作用)

484. point out指出

485. polish one's writing 润色文章

486. prefer to do rather than do宁愿..而不愿

487. proceed to do/with继续做...

488. private affairs私事

489. profit from从.中获利

490.prohibit sb. from doing sth.禁止某 人做某事

491. promote sb. to晋升..为

492. provide sb. with sth/ provide sth for sb向某人提供某物

493. put ... into practice .将...付诸实施

494. put... into words用言辞表达

495. put away把...收起; 放好

496. put aside personal interest把个人利益放在一边

497. put down 放下; 记下

498. put forward提出

499.put out出版; 公布;扑灭

500. put pressure on .对..... 施加压力

501. put through接通 电话

502. put up 搭建; 提出(计划等);留宿

503. put up with 忍受

504. physical and mental health身心健康

505. physical check 体检

506. plunge into despair陷入绝望

507. qualify sb. to do=sb. be qualified to do/for某人有资格做,能胜任

508. quarrel with sb.和某人吵架

509 queue up for tickets为买票排队

510. range (in)... from... to... ( 在某方面) .......不等

511. raise the awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高环保意识

512. reach out for伸出手拿

513. recall one's childhood回忆童年

514. recover from ....中恢复

515. refer to/consult/turn to the dictionary查字典

516. reference books参考书

517. reflect on one's mistake反思错误

518. regard/view/consider/look on/think of... as把...看作

519. regardless of 不顾,不管

520.regular customers/performance/price常客、平时成绩、原价

521. release green house gases/a new album/a news report释放温室气体/发布新专辑/发布新闻报道

522. relieve pressure/cough/burden缓解压力/咳嗽/减负

523. relief supplies赈灾物资

524. rely on 依靠

525. remind sb. of sth./that使某人想起....

526. remain a mystery (remain unknown不得而知; remain to be done仍需要)仍然是一个谜

527. remote mountainous areas偏远山区

528. replace B with A=substitute A for B用A取代B

529. resist the temptation of/to do抵制诱惑

530. respond to .....作反应

531. result from产生于,来自

532. result in 导致、 引起

533. reward... with... 用某物回报某人

534. rob sb. of sth. 抢劫

535. ruin/spoil the trip毁了旅行

536. run across 碰见;偶然发现

537. run after 追赶, 追捕,跟踪

538. rush hour ( 公共车辆的)高峰时间

539. rush through sth. 匆忙...

540. see through看穿

541. see to it that确保

542. seize/grasp the chance抓住机会

543. send for sb to do 派人去请

544. sense of humor/justice/achievement/duty/direction幽默感;正义感;成就感;责任感;方向感

545. separate A from B把A 和B分开

546. serve as 充当,起...作用

547. set... free 释放

548. set about doing=get down to doing开始,着手

549. set aside/spare time/money to do 留时间、金钱做...

550.set off出发,启程;着手(做某事)

551. set up 竖立;建立;设立;提出

552. settle down定居

553. shape one's life塑造人生

554. share joys and sorrows同甘共苦

555. shortly/ soon after在....后不久

556. show/turn up 出席; (使)显现

557. sign up for报名参加

558. sigh with relief松了一口气

559. sit up 熬夜

560. skip class 逃课

561. slow down(speed up加快速度)减慢速度

562. sooner or later迟早

563. social circle社交圈

564. spare no efforts=go to great length(s) to do不遗余力

565. space exploration宇宙探索

566. speak highly of高度赞扬

567. spoken English(an English-speaking country 说英语的国家)英语口语

568. specialize in专门从事

569. specific/detailed instructions 详尽的说明

570. speech contest演讲比赛

571. spoil the child (a spoiled child被宠环的孩子)宠坏孩子

572. sponsor the match 赞助比赛

573. spring up 涌现

574. stand for代表

575. stand/get in the way挡道

576. stand out in a crowd脱颖而出; 卓尔不群;出类拔萃

577. stand the test of经受考验

578.stand up to the cold经得住严寒的考验

579. starve to death饿死

580.stay awake醒着

581. steal the show出风头

582. step by step循序渐进

583. stick to one's post坚守岗位

584. stimulate/inspire sb to do激励某人做

585. straight away立即,马上

586. stretch oneself舒展身体

587. strike a balance between寻求平衡

588. substitute for代替

589.succeed in .在.... 上成功

590. suffer from承受...之苦; 患病

591. supply sb. with sth.供应某人某物

592. surf the internet.上网冲浪

593. survive the air crash幸免于空难

594. sustainable development可持续发展

595. switch on/off (用开关) 打开、关掉

596. take (great) pains to do煞费苦心做某事

597. take...as an example 举...为例

598. take... seriously 认真对待

599. take immediate/urgent action立即采取行动

600. take advantage of利用

601. take a weight off one's mind如释重负

602. take effect生效

603. take measures/steps采取措 施

604. take medicine服药

605. take notice of注意

606. take on 呈现; 承担;雇佣

607. take one's time慢慢来

608. take over接收

509. take pride in .....为荣

610. take root in one's mind=be rooted in one's mind扎根于心底

611. take shape成形; 出现

612. take/follow the advice采纳建议

613. take the place of代替

614. take the trouble费 神

615. take turns to do轮流

616. take up time/space 从事;占去(地方、时间、注意力等)

617. take/ run the risk of冒险

618. tap one's potential发掘潜能

619. tear down拆掉(旧房)

620. televise/broadcast..live to现场直播

621. tell right from wrong明辨是非

622. tend to do倾向于

623. throw light on阐明

624. There's no point doing/there's no denying/there's no doubt that/there is no need to do做某事没有意义/不可否认的是/毫无疑问/没有必要做某事

625. think over深思熟虑

626. to one's relief/joy/sorrow/amazement使某人宽慰/高兴/伤心/惊讶的是

627. to make matters even worse 更糟糕的是

628. to some extent在一 定程度上

629. to the point 切题

630. touch on 涉及到.

631. travel all the way不远万里

632. treat sb alike 一视同仁

633. try out/on试用; 试穿.

634. turn a blind eye/deaf ear to .对..... 熟视无睹;置若罔闻

635. turn down拒绝

636. turn out 生产, 制造;结果是

637. turn sth. into reality把 某事变为现实

638. turning point转折点, 转机

639. upset/destroy the balance of nature破坏自然平衡

640. upset sb.使某人心烦意乱

641. under construction在建 设中

642. under pressure在压力 下

643. undertake a task承担任务

644. use one's head动脑 筋

645. use up 用光, 耗尽

646. value the friendship珍视友谊

647. vary from person to person因人而异

648. vegetarian meal素食

649. volunteer to do 自告奋勇做

650. vote for/against投票支持、反对

651. walk on tiptoe蹑手蹑脚

652. want sth. badly迫切想要..

653. warn sb. of/against sth./that警告某 人某事

654. waste time doing/on sth.浪费时间做

655. look out for留神

656. weather permitting天气允许的话

657. weigh one's words 斟酌字句

658. when it comes to当 谈到

659. win the championship赢得冠军称号

660 with one voice 异口同声

661. with the rise of随着..的兴起/提高

662. with the widespread of随着..的蔓延\广泛传播

663. with sth. available有了...

664. with sth. approaching-with the approach of sth.随着.. .临近

665. with regard to=in view of鉴于,考虑到

666. within/ out of one's reach在 伸手够得到/够不到的地方

667. within walking distance近在咫尺

668. within a stone's throw一箭之遥

669. without exception毫 无例外地

670. Word came that...消息传来

671. work out a plan/a problem制定计划;解决问题

672. work with combined/joint efforts齐心协力

673. work wonders/miracles创造奇迹

674. would rather do A than do B宁可做 A而不做B

675. world events世界大事

676. work career of promising prospect前景良好的职业生涯


physical drive0是什么-ZOL问答




电脑中如何知道自己的ID - 懂得








notbysomethingassuperficialas physical appearance.我想问...




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