backup system nand ​使电池系统发挥最佳状态
发布时间 : 2024-10-18
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23



Getting the best from a battery system

Nicola Corradin, FIAMM

译 者 说



Everyone is talking about batteries today. They are becoming an increasingly important component in the transition to a greener world. Electric cars, energy storage, telecommunication and of course, data centers. They all need batteries in one way or another.


Despite all of this most people don’t know very much about what goes on inside a battery and how to get the best from it. Batteries are sometimes one of the last elements to be considered. But good forward planning of the battery and its environment will help to ensure reliability and long life of the asset.


When planning an installation, it is important to consider where batteries will be situated and how to maintain and monitor the environment of the room. A battery room with variable temperatures will affect the life of a battery system.


This article provides a few guidelines that should be considered when planning a data center and its backup power system.


A battery backup system must operate for many years and be ready for instantaneous release of energy. A battery is a component of the overall system. Most data centers use auxiliary gensets. The problem is that they need a time interval to reach full power. This is where batteries come in and play the role of instant power.


When choosing a battering system, the following are some of the critical elements that need to be considered.


Plan for battery performance at the end of their specified life


A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. The reaction involves the transfer of electrons from one material to another. This is called an anode and a cathode, and the transfer is carried out usually by a material known as an electrolyte. This transfer of energy is known as a charge or discharge. A discharge and recharging of the battery cell is a cycle.


All batteries, due to the characteristics of the chemistry, are subject to loss of performance over time. This is called ageing. This ageing factor must be considered when designing and specifying a system since a battery needs to be able to support the design load of the system over life. For example, a battery system, designed for 10 years’ service, must be able to support the load at the end of its 10 years’ service.


Consider mains power reliability


Throughout the world power, the quality and consistency of power generated by the utility differs. Some areas may have only a few power outages a year, and last just a few moments, while others are frequent and last for a long period. The implications of this for a battery are considerable.


Frequent power outages will have heavy demands on the system and consequently the battery and genset, which raises the question of cycle life. Frequent power outages and for long duration can mean that the system has to be able to withstand many cycles, many of which may not be full discharges. This can subject a battery to heavy workload and partial charges and the need to recharge the system rapidly.


Temperature plays a major role in battery life and performance


Temperature plays an important role in the life of a battery. In general, high temperatures lower the life of a battery as they speed up the internal chemical reaction. This applies to all chemical batteries. At lower temperatures, usually below zero, the performance of a battery is impeded. Most of us have experienced this with starting a vehicle in freezing conditions.


When planning an installation, it is important to consider where batteries will be situated and how to maintain and monitor the environment of the room. A battery room with variable temperatures will affect the life of a battery system.


Even a few degrees of higher temperatures, but over several years will shorten the operating life of the battery. It therefore makes for good design planning to consider the room where the batteries will be situated.


System redundancy: A duplicated battery requirement may be different


Batteries, as stated at the beginning of this article, are components of a system. This is often overlooked. Data centers, including batteries, all plan for redundancy. This means that every system is replicated, and often in very different locations.


So, when planning a battery system for a new installation, it is not enough to duplicate the installation. The environmental factors such as layout, power and operating temperature may be different.


A good installation solution must take these factors into consideration. It is important to consider that a second battery installation for a data center may have different environmental as well as operating needs. Therefore, each room needs to be considered individually.


Plan a service routine procedure


Many batteries today are classified as ‘maintenance-free’. These batteries are designed with an electrolyte sealed inside the battery; previously the electrolyte needed to be periodically ‘topped-up’ as well as a general maintenance inspection. This does not mean that the batteries can be ignored over their specified life.

在Uptime Institute最新的全球数据中心调查中确定了这个行业的主要事件和问题,其中一个突出的领域——但不是第一个——是电池。他们发现,大多数电池故障是由于缺乏定期维护。但这意味着什么呢?

In the latest Uptime Institute global data center survey which identifies major incidents and issues in the industry, one of the areas highlighted ‒ but not the first ‒ was batteries. They identified that most battery failures were due to lack of routine maintenance. But what does this mean?


Batteries often exist in a separate location on a site. The system is installed with a charger and specified for a period of guaranteed operation at specified operating conditions.


Maintenance free batteries do not need a high level of maintenance, but they do need periodic inspections and checks to ensure that all batteries are performing.


A large battery system can consist of hundreds of individual batteries, all linked together. The poor performance of one or more batteries can damage the system. A routine inspection of the battery system does not take much but it should be done as part of the operational routines of any data center.


Routine service can avoid future problems. Most battery suppliers, such as FIAMM Energy Technology, offer a monitoring solution that checks voltage and temperature and can act as an advanced warning system for problems.


The checklist:

系统寿命: 计划内寿命结束时的性能需求

System life: Plan for performance needs at the end life

温度: 高于设计温度会降低寿命

Temperature: Temperature beyond the design will reduce life

电能质量: 频繁的停电意味着对电池的更高要求

Power quality: Frequent power outages mean more demand on the battery

服务步骤: 制定服务检查步骤,这将有助于避免问题

Service routine: Develop a service inspection routine, it will help to avoid problems

设计寿命: 记住任何化学电池的寿命都受其工作环境的影响

Design life: Remember the life of any chemical battery is affected by its operating environment

在电池寿命结束时更换电池: 不要等待性能故障

Replace batteries at the end of life: Don’t wait for a performance failure

环境: 选择对环境有利的电池系统。

Environment: Choose a battery system that is good for the environment.









IT运维管理的第二个管理内容应用服务对各种应用支持软件如数据库、中间件、群件以及各种通用或特定服 务的监控管理,如邮件系统、DNS、Web 等的监控与管理;




包含对企业自身核、心业务系统运行情况的监控与管理,对于业务的管理,主要关注该业务系统的 CSF(关键成功因素 Critical Success Factors)和KPI(关键绩效指 标Key Performance Indicators);




管理企业中各 IT 系统的资源资产情况,这些资源资产可以是物理存在 的,也可以是逻辑存在的,并能够与企业的财务部门进行数据交互;


信息安全管理主要依据的国际标准是 ISO17799,该标准涵盖了信 息安全管理的十大控制方面,36 个控制目标和 127 种控制方式,如企业安全组织方式、资产 分类与控制、人员安全、物理与环境安全、通信与运营安全、访问控制、业务连续性管理等;


IT运维管理的第八个管理内容的日常工作部分主要用于规范和明确运维人员的岗位职责和工作安排、提供绩 效考核量化依据、提供解决经验与知识的积累与共享手段。

在CXO UNION(CXO联盟)的行业社群里,就有不少企业在应用IT运维管理系统,例如九州通医药集团、日照钢铁集团、上海银行、河北新华联合冶金集团、美团点评、卓尔、长城汽车、中国信达资产管理、弘阳集团、北京建工集团、万达集团、江铃汽车集团、前海人寿保险、新奥投资等企业,它们的创始人、董事长、VP等高层管理人员,IT总监、财务总监、人力资源(人资)总监、供应链总监、智能制造总监等中高层管理人群;以及CIO、CDO、CTO、CFO、CMO等CXO人群,对于IT运维管理系统功能也有所了解,同时,他们也会在CXO UNION(CXO联盟)的行业社群里一起交流实施IT运维管理系统时出现的问题。CXO UNION(CXO联盟)在这里也欢迎更多志同道合的朋友一起来探讨对于ERP的理解!


本文为科普类文章,不作为选择建议或投资建议。更多精彩请关注CXO UNION最新栏目与时间同频哦~


What is IT operations management? What are the management contents of IT operation and maintenance management?

With the continuous deepening and improvement of IT construction, the operation and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems has become a problem of general concern and overwhelming burden for leaders of units and information service departments in all walks of life. According to statistics, IT operation and maintenance services account for about 80% of the workload of IT departments.

So, which aspects of IT operation and maintenance management are included?

IT operation and maintenance management mainly includes eight aspects of management content:

The first management content of IT operation and maintenance management: device management

Device management Monitors and manages network devices, server devices, and operating system health.

The second management content of IT operations management: application services

The second management content of IT operation and maintenance management is the monitoring and management of various application support software, such as databases, middleware, groupware, and various general or specific services, such as mail system, DNS, Web, etc.

The third management content of IT operation and maintenance management: data storage

The third management content of IT operation and maintenance management is data storage for unified storage, backup, and recovery of system and service data.

The fourth management content of IT operation and maintenance management: business

It includes monitoring and management of the operation of the core and core business systems of the enterprise. For business management, it mainly focuses on the CSF (Critical Success Factors) and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the business system.

The fifth management content of IT operation and maintenance management: directory content

The fifth management content directory of IT operation and maintenance management is mainly for the management of the content that enterprises need to uniformly publish or customize and the management of public information;

The sixth management content of IT operation and maintenance management: resource assets

Manage the resource assets of each IT system in the enterprise, which can be physical or logical, and can interact with the financial department of the enterprise;

The seventh management content of IT operation and maintenance management: information security

The main international standard for information security management is ISO17799, which covers the ten control aspects of information security management,36 control objectives and 127 control methods, such as enterprise security organization and assets Classification and control, personnel security, physical and environmental security, communications and operations security, access control, business continuity management, etc.;

The eighth management content of IT operations management: daily work

The daily work part of the eighth management content of IT operation and maintenance management is mainly used to standardize and clarify the job responsibilities and work arrangements of operation and maintenance personnel, provide quantitative basis for performance assessment, and provide means to accumulate and share experience and knowledge.


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