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Science, 21 August 2020, Vol 369, Issue 6506
Synchronous timing of abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period
▲ 作者:Ellen C. Corrick, Russell N. Drysdale, John C. Hellstrom, Emilie Capron, Sune Olander Rasmussen, Xu Zhang, Dominik Fleitmann, Isabelle Couchoud, Eric Wolff
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▲ Abstract
Abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period have been detected in a global array of palaeoclimate records, but our understanding of their absolute timing and regional synchrony is incomplete. Our compilation of 63 published, independently dated speleothem records shows that abrupt warmings in Greenland were associated with synchronous climate changes across the Asian Monsoon, South American Monsoon, and European-Mediterranean regions that occurred within decades. Together with the demonstration of bipolar synchrony in atmospheric response, this provides independent evidence of synchronous high-latitude–to-tropical coupling of climate changes during these abrupt warmings. Our results provide a globally coherent framework with which to validate model simulations of abrupt climate change and to constrain ice-core chronologies.
Abrupt CO2 release to the atmosphere under glacial and early interglacial climate conditions
▲ 作者:C. Nehrbass-Ahles, J. Shin, J. Schmitt, B. Bereiter, F. Joos, A. Schilt, L. Schmidely, L. Silva, G. Teste, R. Grilli, J. Chappellaz, D. Hodell, H. Fischer, T. F. Stocker
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▲ Abstract
Bursts of carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere and occurring on centennial time scales, were seen during the cold periods of the last glacial cycle but not in older or warmer conditions. Nehrbass-Ahles et al. present a record of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations retrieved from the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica Dome C ice core showing that these carbon dioxide jumps occurred during both cold and warm periods between 330,000 and 450,000 years ago. They relate these pulses to disruptions of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation caused by freshwater discharge from ice sheets. Such rapid carbon dioxide increases could occur in the future if global warming also disrupts this ocean circulation pattern.
Attosecond spectroscopy of liquid water
▲ 作者:Inga Jordan, Martin Huppert, Dominik Rattenbacher, Michael Peper, Denis Jelovina, Conaill Perry, Aaron von Conta, Axel Schild, Hans Jakob Wörner
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▲ Abstract
Many physical properties of liquid water remain unresolved due to the very fast dynamics involved in the liquid phase. Using attosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, Jordan et al. found that photoemission of electrons from water in the liquid phase shows a time delay of about 50 to 70 attoseconds compared with photoemission from the gas phase. This difference was attributed to solvation effects and was validated by analysis of various contributions to the measured delays and by using theoretical simulations in water clusters of different sizes.
Shaping colloidal bananas to reveal biaxial, splay-bend nematic, and smectic phases
▲ 作者:Carla Fernández-Rico, Massimiliano Chiappini, Taiki Yanagishima, Heidi de Sousa, Dirk G. A. L. Aarts, Marjolein Dijkstra, Roel P. A. Dullens
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▲ Abstract
Molecular chirality is often required to make chiral liquid crystalline phases, but liquid crystallinity has also been obtained using curved elongated rods known as bent-core or banana-shaped molecules. Fernández-Rico et al. developed a method to controllably alter the curvature of the rods using ultraviolet light and a photoresponsive polymer. From a single starting batch can come a family of rods with different curvatures but similar overall rod thickness, length, and length distribution. The researchers explored a range of liquid crystalline phases, including the splay-bend nematic phase that was predicted more than 40 years ago.
Asymmetric remote C–H borylation of aliphatic amides and esters with a modular iridium catalyst
▲ 作者:Ronald L. Reyes, Miyu Sato, Tomohiro Iwai, Kimichi Suzuki, Satoshi Maeda, Masaya Sawamura
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Enzymes often have intricate active sites that bind one portion of a molecule to orient a distant portion for optimal reactivity. This type of orienting effect has proven a much greater challenge for small-molecule catalysts. Reyes et al. now report a simple ligand that can simultaneously bind to an iridium catalyst through a pyridine substituent while positioning an amide or ester reactant through a hydrogen-bonding urea. As a result, the catalyst exclusively borylates the site three carbons away from the carbonyl, with a second chiral ligand inducing high enantioselectivity.
Covalent surface modifications and superconductivity of two-dimensional metal carbide MXenes
▲ 作者:Vladislav Kamysbayev, Alexander S. Filatov, Huicheng Hu, Xue Rui, Francisco Lagunas, Di Wang, Robert F. Klie
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用氢氟酸腐蚀母体MAX相Ti3AlC2层材料的铝层,得到具有不同表面末端的MXene Ti3C2。熔融盐可以达到均匀的氯离子终端,但很难进一步修改。
表面基团可以改变电子传输。例如,Nb2C MXenes表现出依赖于表面基团的超导性。
▲ Abstract
Unlike graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides, two-dimensional transition-metal carbides (MXenes) have many surface sites that can be chemically modified. Etching of the aluminum layer of a parent MAX phase Ti3AlC2 layered material with hydrofluoric acid leads to the MXene Ti3C2 with various surface terminations. Molten salts can achieve uniform chloride terminations, but these are difficult to further modify. Kamysbayev et al. show that etching of MAX phases in molten cadmium bromide leads to bromide-terminated MXenes that can then be substituted with oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and NH groups as well as with vacancy sites. The surface groups can alter electronic transport. For example, the Nb2C MXenes exhibit surface group–dependent superconductivity.
在汽车电动化、网联化、智能化、共享化的浪潮下,不少车型都具备自适应巡航、前向碰撞报警、智能车速辅助、车道偏移预警、驾驶员状态监控、泊车辅助等ADAS功能,其中车载数据的增长、蔓延与流动加剧了数据管理的挑战。近日,佰维针对车载监控录像设备、轨道交通安全行驶监测设备等数据写入密集型应用,推出了3.84TB大容量SSD——C1008系列 ,该款SSD是公司2019年发布的C1004 系列的升级产品。佰维C1008 系列SSD遵循SATA 6Gbps接口规范,采用3D TLC闪存颗粒,提供500GB、960GB、1.92TB、3.84TB多种容量选择,顺序读取速度高达560MB/s ,且具备全盘稳定写入 、擦写寿命超过3000P/E 、“固件算法+钽电容”双重断电保护 以及芯片层级加固技术 等优势。
1 、24路50轮全盘录像无丢帧
多路线、长时间、高清视频数据持续写入,如何保证数据记录的完整性与可靠性?佰维C1008在GC垃圾回收机制 等方面进行固件的多重优化,减少GC阶段时延,有效保障数据的持续写入稳定性。在24路摄像头50轮全盘录像测试中,产品视频数据持续写入稳定,全程无丢帧。此外,在FIO测试中,产品全盘写入速度保持在470MB/s 以上。
2 、擦写寿命超过3000P/E
佰维C1008甄选3D TLC NAND Flash颗粒,写入/抹除次数(P/E Cycle)超过3000次 。同时,主控支持LDPC ECC纠错技术,可为NAND提供弹性保护机制;支持虚拟还原VPR(Virtual Parity Recovery)功能,可自动备份更新的资料和恢复丢失的资料;支持独立磁盘构成的具有冗余能力的阵列(RAID)保护数据以及端到端(E2E)数据保护,提高硬盘的可靠性和寿命。凭借严苛的颗粒筛选、测试,优异的主控加持,以及自主固件定制化开发能力 ,产品支持在极端环境下稳定工作。
3 、“固件算法+钽电容”双重断电保护
佰维C1008采用“固件算法+钽电容 ”双重断电保护方案:产品内置电源侦测芯片实时监控供电情况,一旦发现异常立即启用断电保护模块,利用钽电容储存的电量持续供电,为 DRAM 中缓存的数据可靠地传输到闪存提供充足的时间,确保固件程序安全,进而确保存储数据安全。同时,该产品通过电源兼容性、电源变换的动态响应能力、输入不同电压的稳定性等方面的测试验证,能适应复杂供电环境下高于传统5V(±10%)的电压波动。
4 、芯片层级加固技术
佰维C1008从芯片开始进行点胶加固处理 ,并通过1500G的抗冲击测试和最高2000Hz频率的振动测试,防止芯片在高振动、强冲击应用环境下松动或虚焊。同时,佰维C1008支持-20℃~70℃ 工作温度,可承受极端温度所导致的热涨冷缩变化,内部电气变化以及物理特性变化等,产品保有高稳定性和高效能表现。
佰维C1008系列SSD兼具稳定读写、高擦写寿命、大容量、断电保护、强固设计等技术优势,支持数据写入密集型车载应用长时间稳定工作,典型应用于安防监控、轨道交通、DVR(硬盘录像机)、工控机IPC等领域。未来,公司将持续基于自身的研发-封测制造一体化 优势,为细分应用定制行业级存储解决方案,满足客户“千端千面”存储需求。
【谁能精确解释一下,循环一词在英文中, cycle ,Cycling,circul...[最佳回答]cycle[ˈsaikl]n.循环,周期词性变化cycling[ˈsaikliŋ]n.循环,振荡周期工作(循环)变化,周期性变化发出脉冲骑自行车交变负载,交变应力...
以 cycle 为后缀的单词5个[回答]bicyclen.脚踏车,自行车;cyclen自行车,循环;megacyclen.兆周;motorcyclen.摩托车;recyclevt.(使)再循环;vi.&n.再循...
bicycle和 cycle 在用法上有什么区别吗? - 185****3681 的回...bicycle是名词自行车的意思cycle可以做名词,也可以做动词。名词自行车时,很少用cycle。cycle一般是做动词,骑自行车。bicycle和cycle在用法上的区...
以 cycle 为词根的单词_作业帮[最佳回答]bicycle自行车cycled循环的tricycle三轮车recycle循环如有问题,欢迎继续追问:)
cycle 和circle有什么区别?区别就是两者意思是不一样具体的不同如下cycle中文意思是n.周期;循环;自行车;摩托车;整套,整个系列(如机器的运转);vi.骑自行车;骑自行车旅行;circle中文...
动词的 N 种形态关于 cycle ,have,win的_作业帮[最佳回答]cyclecyclescyclingcycledcycledhavehashavinghadhadwinwinswinningwonwon
cycle ,circulate,circle有什么区别?1.circle只是圈,环状物而已;cycle才是循环,周期循环.一句话来表示:前者具体,后者抽象.2.circle非要有抽象意义的话,那它表示一个圈子,一个阶层.1...
草丛的英文怎么写 - 懂得草丛翻译成英文是:grassgrass英[grɑ:s]美[græs]n.草,青草;草地,草坪;告密者;〈俚〉龙须菜;vt.用草覆盖;使…长满草;使…吃草;vi.g...