sfc nand SFC Markets and Finance| How Guangdong's enterprises enhancing quality through innovation
发布时间 : 2025-01-21
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23

SFC Markets and Finance| How Guangdong's enterprises enhancing quality through innovation


南方财经全媒体记者 李依农 杨雨莱 肇庆、珠海、深圳报道

Accelerating the development of new quality productive forces, Guangdong, as a major province in manufacturing and technological innovation, has a clear understanding and is taking decisive action. During the 2024 High-Quality Development Research Tour, we are finding that more and more enterprises are actively practicing the concept of enhancing quality through innovation, accelerating the intelligent transformation and digital upgrade of the manufacturing sector.

Xujing, CEO of FengHua Advanced Technology

We are constantly introducing and cultivating talents while increasing our joint R&D efforts with research institutes and universities. At the same time, continuous technological breakthroughs are being made. In terms of materials, equipment, and technical platforms, we are unremittingly tackling key issues. I believe that through steady improvement of core competitiveness, we can not only promote our own high-quality development but also form a significant driving force for the development of the entire industry.

FengHua has achieved a sound and focused development of its main business in the past 5-10 years. At present, we have the ability to independently research and develop as well as produce and supply materials.

Currently, 35% of our materials are self-produced. We are focusing on researching and developing materials that still need to be imported. I think there is a lot of room for improvement in the future. That means we can quickly achieve a leap forward.

Li Hui, CEO of Zhaoqing Shen Hui Electronic Technology

CCHV's fans have completed the last shortfall in refrigerators. Because refrigerators operate at temperatures ranging from -25°C to -40°C for extended periods, although refrigerators have been domestically produced before, the cooling fans inside them have always been sourced from Japanese or German brands. CCHV is the first and only company in China that has been able to enter this industry. Currently, CCHV is the first company in the world to develop a cooling fan that can operate at -80°C. So at this year's Canton Fair, we globally launched our ultra-low-temperature fan that can operate at -80°C.

In the field of refrigerators, our annual domestic market share has increased from 9% to 18%. We believe that this year this number will exceed 34%. So in the field of refrigerators, we have been maintaining such a high growth rate. Now in China, you can see that out of every 3 refrigerators, one of them uses a fan manufactured by CCHV. You should have seen our -80°C product undergoing testing. We also have a test for ultra-high protection and a water immersion test. Our company conducts extreme tests to ensure the quality of our products. In fact, we conduct such extreme tests so that customers can see that our products can still operate under such extreme conditions, enhancing their confidence in our products.

Liu Lei, Chief Intelligent Manufacturing Officer of WeView

Compared with traditional lead-acid and lithium batteries, first, it is safer, non-flammable, and non-explosive. This is what we call authentic safety. Due to its electrolytic energy being present in the electrolyte, which contains over 97% water, it fundamentally does not ignite or explode.

The second advantage is its great recyclability. According to our publicity, the cycle life of standard products can reach 20,000 to 30,000 times. But in reality, it's like a car; as long as you maintain it well during operation, it can run longer.

In addition, its capacity and power can be referred to as decoupled. That is, We can customize its power and capacity to meet the needs of the market. And the cost of increasing this capacity is actually very low. This is also an absolute advantage of zinc-iron compared to other flow batteries. The chemicals we use are zinc and iron. For these two metal elements, China has very large reserves, and the costs are low. We don't have any bottlenecks in terms of raw materials.

So that's why we have this technological roadmap. This can serve as a link in large-scale production and deployment, for achieving the "30·60" Target. And these elements are also recyclable. From the mining process, manufacturing process, usage process, to the end when the battery expires and needs to be scrapped, there is no pollution or emissions throughout the entire process.

To achieve the "30·60" Target, the utilization of new energy is an inevitable path. The utilization of new energy cannot be separated from the energy storage of industrial culture. So intelligent manufacturing is a necessary capability in leading technologies. WeView has also independently developed the entire production line from scratch.

As can be seen during the visit to this production line, our entire process is based on the improvement of the automation rate. From digital design and planning construction, we ultimately achieve intelligent control. In this regard, under the circumstances where a small number of workers are employed, our entire production process can be completed through automation.

And production needs to be automated from the supply of materials. We call it a material control line or a logistics line. The production and assembly process, as well as the quality assessment process, are all completed through automation. That also provides the enterprise with the foundation for future large-scale production and rapid replication to meet our market demands.

From small mobile phones that contain more than 1,200 MLCCs, known as the "rice of industry," to the world's only ultra-low temperature fan that can operate continuously at -80 degrees, and the "giant power banks" in smart factories, Guangdong showcases its commitment to promoting industrial innovation through technological advancements.

Wei Qijia, Researcher of State Information Center

During the 2024 High-quality Development Tour in Guangdong, we investigated many enterprises in Guangdong. Each enterprise that we have seen is solidly promoting manufacturing innovation and industry innovation through technological innovation step by step. From these companies, whether in the field of low-altitude flight or in processing and manufacturing industries, we can see that they fully demonstrate that technological innovation is needed to promote industrial innovation and to achieve a positive cycle of innovation. This is what impressed me.

Guangdong has a relatively good industrial foundation and enjoys great significance for the national industry. The data shows that Guangdong’s manufacturing industry accounts for about 1/8 of that of the country. Therefore, it has a solid foundation and many favorable conditions for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces in the future. From this tour, we can see that many favorable conditions are continuously accumulating, highlighted by its talent advantage, financial advantage, and market advantage.

When we visited the Southern University of Science and Technology, we also found that its cultivation of innovative and research-oriented talents lays a solid foundation of talent for further development of the new quality productive forces. In fact, during this tour, we have seen that enterprises prove themselves to be the main force driving technological innovation. Therefore, our policies should leverage their leading role and position in technological innovation.

We also found that many technologies are developed in the laboratory, creating 1 from 0, while enterprises play an amplifying role in expanding these technologies from 1 to N. The companies we visited are comprehensive entities that integrate talent cultivation, technology research, and development, and they have also completed an entire innovation chain. The industries such as manufacturing, agricultural, service industries, and infrastructure are the cornerstones of the modern industrial system. Promoting this system needs systematic measures, and we need to coordinate the development of these industries and support them with well-established infrastructure.

At this stage, we can see a successful example which is the integration of advanced manufacturing and productive services. Through this organic integration, the potential of factors can be further stimulated. There are a lot of design and creative consulting being integrated into the production process, empowering the production process further.





记者:杨雨莱 李依农

制作:李群 蔡于恬

拍摄:肖航 李依农 杨雨莱

新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪

海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬



为 30 年前的游戏机配上街机摇杆,这怎么成了一门生意?




不过在专业领域,摇杆的重要性丝毫不亚于我们在 PC 上所用的键鼠。比如在飞机上,你会看到用于爬升和俯冲操作的机械操纵杆,它最早出现在 20 世纪初;之后美国人 C.B.Mirick 申请的电动操纵杆专利,则在二战后期用于精确制导导弹,它们被视为是现代摇杆的雏形。

▲ 图片来自:Medium

家用游戏机会用上摇杆,则是 20 世纪 70 年代之后的事情了。历史上第一台家用游戏机 Magnavox Odyssey 用左右两个旋钮,分别控制垂直和水平方向,基本解决了游戏角色在一个 2D 平面上的移动问题,但操作上仍然显得有些累赘。

▲ 初代 Magnavox Odyssey 配备的旋钮控制器

而摇杆则不一样,它向前就是向前,向后就是向后,这在 4 向操控时更符合直觉,如果再加上斜对角的移动,摇杆还能进一步实现 8 向操控,已经完全能满足当时的 2D 游戏的需求。

所以,你在之后的 Magnavox Odyssey 2 和 Atari 2600 等第一第二世代家用游戏机中,都能看到摇杆的身影。

▲ 当年 ATARI 2600 配备的摇杆控制器


▲ 图片来自:Roots.sg

加上雅达利崩溃事件的影响,80 年代后的家用游戏机行业实则是任天堂主导的,它用十字键解决了方向操作问题,同时也形成了新的设计规范。直到 90 年代中期全 3D 化游戏浪潮开始后,大家才重新挖掘出摇杆之于游戏交互的价值。

▲ 任天堂 N64 手柄上的类比摇杆,是游戏手柄发展史中的一大突破。图片来自:Video Game History



也确实有人尝试这么做了,他同样是一名怀旧游戏玩家,名字叫做 Benj Edwards。


Benj Edwards 在 2016 年就做出了第一个自制摇杆控制器,之所以萌生出这个想法,起因还是一款名为《Nibbler》的贪食蛇游戏。


这不是重点,关键在于,这是史上第一款可以显示 9 位数得分的街机游戏,但当分数达到 9 亿 9999 万 9999 时还可以继续,意味着你的分数可以突破至 10 亿以上。目前能够达到这一记录的玩家,全球还不超过 5 个。

1983 年,游戏发行商 Datasoft 将它从街机平台移植到了家用机设备上,而 Edwards 就是在家中的 Atari 800 游戏机上玩到的。

不过,Edwards 会想做一个摇杆,显然不是为了挑战 10 亿分,他只是想试着打破自己原来拿下的最高记录,可是他发现自己手头上根本没有一个顺手的手柄。

「我有 20 多个不同型号的 Atari 摇杆,全都不能让我达到想要的成绩。」Edwards 抱怨说。


有了想法后,Edwards 便开始动手设计自己的摇杆控制器。他最初是打算利用 4 向档圈来限制摇杆的位移方向,因为像《Nibbler》这类的游戏并没有 8 向操作的需求,只需要做到「上下左右」即可,方向越多,反而越容易出现误操作。

▲ Edwards 自制的第一个摇杆控制器

之后,他带着一个摇杆和几个按键元部件,外加上在地下车库里找到的一个塑料外盒、螺丝和橡胶圈,先进行钻孔切割,再接上原来 Atari 摇杆中的电线,几小时后就变成了现在我们看到的黑色外壳的摇杆控制器,还有两颗红色的街机按钮。

这是 Edwards 做的第一个摇杆控制器,此时他还没有对外公开的打算。他也从未想到,2 年后,自己会因为另一件事而把做摇杆当作一门生意看待。

从兴趣变成一门生意,是因为他想挽救自己收集了 25 年的藏品

「BX-80 是我第一款对外销售的摇杆控制器,里面很多设计其实和 2 年前我为自己做的那个摇杆是共通的。」

在我和 Edwards 的邮件沟通中,他介绍说,这个 BX-80 的命名源于 Atari 2600 的官方控制器 CX-40,这也是家用游戏机第一次尝试将街机摇杆整合在控制器上。其中的「B」取自 Benj Edwards 名字的首字母,而 80 则是 40 的两倍,算是一种数字上的超越。

当时,Edwards 做完摇杆后就拿回家试了试,并成功打破了原来的游戏记录,但之后他就把摇杆当作圣诞礼物送给自己的朋友,自制摇杆的点子也就告一段落了。

直到 2018 年年初,Edwards 碰到了一个生活难题,才让他重拾了这个想法。和以前不一样,这次他希望能将摇杆控制器打造成一个能维持自己日常开支的小生意。

▲ 这是一张来自于上世纪 80 年代的 Apple II 电脑校园推广海报。图片来自:VCG

在做摇杆前,Benj Edwards 有一个更被游戏玩家们所熟知的身份,是复古游戏网站 Vintage Computing and Gaming 的创始人。

这个网站成立于 2005 年,你可以在上面找到上百篇和电子游戏、计算机发展史相关的文章,以及各类在非互联网时代出现的实体海报、说明书等珍贵扫描件。

此外,Edwards 也确确实实是一名热衷于收集各种老式计算机和游戏机设备的人。这件事从 1993 年就开始了,当时 Edwards 只有 13 岁,直到 2018 年,他所拥有的几百台藏品已经足以填满一整个车库,基本上只要你能想到的老设备,Edwards 手头上都会有一台。

▲ Edwards 的藏品已经能堆满整个车库

但实体设备收集得越多,总会碰上放不下的时候。因为这件事,Edwards 已经在 2018 年初于 Twitter 上发起了一次拍卖行动,希望有人能买下部分老设备,而他搬家后,也希望找到一个能赚钱养活自己的机会,并让他可以将这份兴趣爱好得以继续维系下去。

去年 8 月份,Edwards 利用手头上能找到的零件,又重新制作了第二个摇杆控制器,然后把它发到了 Twitter 上,调查有多少人想要这样一个只能用于 Atari/Commodore 这两种上世纪游戏机的。

反响出乎 Edwards 的意料,他收到了超过 140 个制作请求,还有粉丝建议,他可以试着为其它老式游戏机也做几个控制器。

之后两个月内,Edwards 完全投入到摇杆的制作当中,先后为包括 Atari 2600、Atari 7800、Commodore 64、Sega Genesis、NES、PC Engine 和 Super NES 在内的经典游戏机制作了一批控制器,而这些设备全都是上个世纪的产物。

截止到今年 2 月底,他总计卖出了 205 个摇杆控制器,并为各种老式游戏机设计了 28 个外形款式。

Edwards 在邮件中告诉我,他十分在意操作手感,所以只会用自己认可的日本 Sanwa 三和电子的摇杆和按键配件,事实上你在日本地区看到的大部分官方街机台,很多也是三和电子的服务商。

同时,Edwards 也在制作的过程中不断改进原本的做工,比如最开始他还是靠破解芯片的方案实现兼容,现在他已经可以选用定制设计的电路板;此外他还找到了新的塑料材质外壳,优化了原来的组装顺序,以确保更好的耐用性。


对 Edwards 而言,摇杆能够为那些老游戏赋予第二次生命,因为优秀的操作手感和你的游戏体验息息相关。

▲ Edwards 正在用摇杆手柄试玩 SNES 上的名作《超级马力欧世界》


另外你也会发现一个特性,那就是 Edwards 做的控制器都非常的「素」——基本上大部分款式都只会有 2- 3 种颜色,即控制台本身使用的黑色或白色塑料盒,红色的摇杆球,以及几个按键。

Edwards 说这是他喜欢的风格,即尽可能地保证「简单和朴素」,这和业内一些配件厂商喜欢在柄身上刻画各种人物或游戏图案的做法不太一样。

「很多人做手柄会借助 CAD 图来绘制控制器的按钮位置以求精准,但我只会用铅笔和尺子来制作原型图。」Edwards 说。


为了扩大受众,Edwards 今年开始在面向 SNES 游戏机(日版叫做 SFC)制作的摇杆控制器上尝试了新的风格。他为摇杆帽和按键换上了新配色,还使用了灰白色的外壳,这正好能贴合美版 SNES 主机的设计。

不过这次的订单量也比以往更多,让 Edwards 已经无法再单独一个人全权负责生产和制造了。他学着去寻找合适的代工厂,并学习如何兼顾物流和运输成本,期间他还顺带吐槽了一番美国本地工厂的办事效率,并对中国流水线生产硬件的速度感到惊讶。

同时,Edwards 也会考虑为一些比 SNES 更小众的游戏机制作手柄,比如说任天堂的 Virtual Boy。

▲ 由于技术的局限性,当年的任天堂 Virtual Boy 并未实现所谓的虚拟现实效果,反而带来了极差的用户体验。

这让很多人感到意外,毕竟这台设备不管是市场口碑还是销量都非常差,拥有者也非常少,就连任天堂官方也鲜少会提及这款失败的「3D 主机」。

但就算如此,Virtual Boy 仍然有喜欢它的用户,这些爱好者建立了一个名为 Planet Virtual Boy 的社区,至今仍然还在尝试做开发和移植游戏的工作。

而 Edwards 会想着做一个独立的摇杆控制器,则是源于 Planet Virtual Boy 社区于 6 年前移植到该平台的一款游戏《街头霸王 2》。这也是你可以在 Virtual Boy 上体验到的唯一一款格斗游戏,但配套的双十字键手柄和格斗游戏的相性并不好。

而 Edwards 要做的,就是制作一个更适合玩格斗游戏的摇杆控制器。

「最开始我只是做了两个,一个给我自己用,另一个给了我的朋友 Jeremy Parish。但我发到 Twitter 后,发现有不少人也想买,我就决定继续做下去。」

Edwards 并没有批量生产这款控制器,一方面是因为 Virtual Boy 的玩家实在太少了,工厂不愿接单,还不如他自己动手,然后再收取一些制作费。

另一方面则是零件的问题。Edwards 说,他已经无法在市场上单独买到 Virtual Boy 手柄的接口元件了,所以每做一个摇杆控制器,他都要拆掉一个旧款官方手柄,然后再把其中的定制 PCB 电路板和接口取下来。

现在,Benj Edwards 已经将制作摇杆控制器视为是自己日常生活的一部分,但他甘之如饴,觉得自己仍是在做着自己喜欢做的事。



题图来源:Benj Edwards


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