etfs nand 中央汇金买入ETF,间接买入一篮子股票,市场影响有多大?
发布时间 : 2024-10-09
作者 : 小编
访问数量 : 23


The Central Huijin Investment Ltd, a state-owned investment company, announced on October 23 that it has bought into exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and will continue to increase its holdings in the future. ETFs are a basket of stocks, so by buying ETFs, Huijin is indirectly buying a basket of stocks, which has a much larger market impact and effect.

The news had an immediate impact, with the FTSE A50 futures index rising by more than 0.3% in the short term.

In addition, there was a significant change in the China 300 ETF E Fund (510310) in the afternoon of October 23. It was reported that there was a certain premium during the closing period on that day, with premiums of 1.13% by the end of the trading day. The trading volume increased rapidly during the last 30 minutes, with a total volume of 688 million yuan, and in the last 10 minutes, a volume of 420 million yuan, with the last 5 minutes recording a volume of 245 million yuan. The total trading volume for that day reached 1.14 billion yuan.

Previously, the Central Huijin had already entered the buying game by purchasing stocks from China's four major state-owned banks.

On the evening of October 11, all four banks announced that their controlling shareholders had increased their holdings, for which Huijin was responsible.

In the case of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the controlling shareholder Huijin increased its holdings of 27.61 million A-shares on October 11. It also planned to continue to purchase more shares within the next six months (starting from the day it increased its holdings) under its own name on the secondary market.

Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) released an announcement stating that Huijin, as the controlling shareholder, bought 37.2722 million A-shares on October 11 through the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading system. Huijin also plans to continue to buy more shares within the next six months under its own name on the secondary market.

China Bank also issued an announcement stating that its controlling shareholder, Huijin, had purchased 24.88 million A-shares of China Bank.

China Construction Bank issued an announcement that its controlling shareholder, Huijin, had purchased 18.38 million A-shares of the bank on the same day, and planned to continue to purchase more within the next six months under its own name on the secondary market.

According to the company's official website, the Central Huijin Investment Ltd was established in December 2003, with its headquarters in Beijing, as a state-owned sole proprietorship company set up with state-owned funds in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. In September 2007, the Ministry of Finance issued special bonds, purchased all the shares of the Central Huijin Investment Ltd from the People's Bank of China, and injected them into China Investment Corporation as part of its investment. The major shareholder responsibilities of the Central Huijin Investment Ltd are exercised by the State Council. The members of the company's board of directors and supervisory board are appointed by the State Council and are responsible to the State Council.

Authorized by the State Council, the Central Huijin Investment Ltd invests in the equity of state-owned key financial enterprises. It represents the state to exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations of the investor of state-owned key financial enterprises within the limit of the amount of investment, and realizes the preservation and appreciation of state-owned financial assets. The Central Huijin Investment Ltd does not engage in any other commercial activities and does not intervene in the daily business activities of the state-owned key financial enterprises it holds.

The Central Huijin Investment Ltd has a precedent in buying into bank stocks, mostly related to market rescue.

On September 18, 2008, when the Shanghai Composite Index fell to 2200 points, Huijin announced that it had bought stocks in ICBC, China Construction Bank, and Bank of China on the secondary market, with a commitment period of one year. The next day, the market surged by 9.46%.

On October 11, 2009, ICBC, Bank of China, and China Construction Bank jointly announced that all three banks had received a notification from their shareholder, Huijin, on October 9, to buy A-shares in the three banks through the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading system. Following this increase in holdings, the Shanghai Composite Index rose for three consecutive months, with an increase of about 18%.

On October 11, 2011, Huijin announced that it had bought stocks in ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and China Construction Bank on the secondary market, and had started related market operations immediately. The next day, the market rose by over 3%.

On October 10, 2012, Huijin announced that it had purchased stocks in ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, and China Construction Bank on the secondary market, with a commitment period of six months. By April 2013, the four major banks had announced their disclosures on Huijin's holdings, with a total capital of more than 2 billion yuan.

On June 13, 2013, when the Shanghai Composite Index fell to 1849 points, Huijin acted again, buying 19.3214 million shares of ICBC, 42.9349 million shares of Agricultural Bank of China, 18.4659 million shares of Bank of China, 24.4904 million shares of China Construction Bank, 22.0462 million shares of Everbright Bank, and 2.0605 million shares of New China Insurance. In the same month, Huijin once again bought a large number of index ETF funds, which stopped the downward trend of the market.

In summary, the Central Huijin Investment Ltd has bought into ETFs recently and will continue to do so in the future. This news had an immediate impact on the market. In addition, Huijin has also purchased stocks from China's four major state-owned banks, which has a precedent in buying bank stocks related to market rescue.








SPDR® S&P Semiconductor ETF (NYSE:XSD)——年初迄今上涨了57%(查看更多详细分析)SPDR® S&P Software & Services ETF (NYSE:XSW)——年初迄今上涨了51%Technology Select Sector SPDR® Fund (NYSE:XLK)——年初迄今上涨了40%(查看更多详细分析)Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE:VGT)——年初迄今上涨了43%Fidelity® MSCI Information Technology Index ETF (NYSE:FTEC)——年初迄今上涨了43%iShares PHLX Semiconductor ETF (NASDAQ:SOXX)——年初迄今上涨了49%(查看更多详细分析)iShares U.S. Technology ETF (NYSE:IYW)——年初迄今上涨了46%Invesco QQQ Trust (NASDAQ:QQQ)——年初迄今上涨发45%Invesco NASDAQ Next Gen 100 ETF (NASDAQ:QQQJ)——自2020年10月13日以来上涨了19%。



材料板块主要包括与商品相关的制造业务。如果投资者要对化工、建筑、材料、包装、采矿和造纸行业的公司进行投资,可以考虑Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund (NYSE:XLB)。该基金于1998年12月开始交易,管理的资金超过50亿美元。

Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund周线图,来源:英为财情Investing.com

Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund追踪的是原材料行业精选指数(Materials Select Sector Index),共有28个持仓。该基金超过65%的资产都集中在前10大持仓。

其领先的持仓包括:工业气体和化学公司德国林德公司 (NYSE:LIN)和空气化工产品有限公司 (NYSE:APD);油漆巨头威廉姆斯公司 (NYSE:WMB);清洁和消毒公司艺康集团 (NYSE:ECL);专注于特种材料、化学药品和农产品的杜邦公司 (NYSE:DD);以及市值最大的黄金开采公司纽蒙特矿业公司 (NYSE:NEM)。

自年初以来,Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund累计上涨了16%以上,并在11月初创下历史新高。以当前价格计算,其股息收益率为1.74%。滚动市盈率和市净率分别为26.94和3.09。

该板块在2020年的强劲在一定程度上要归因于金价的持续上涨。许多分析人士认为,当前旨在推动经济复苏的创纪录低利率和刺激计划可能会继续支撑材料行业公司的股价。除了Materials Select Sector SPDR® Fund之外,还有两个ETF可以关注:Vanguard Materials Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE:VAW)和 Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight Materials ETF (NYSE:RTM)。


这个行业侧重于房地产管理和开发公司、以及房地产投资信托(REITs),但不包括抵押房地产投资信托。我们之前介绍过的The Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSE:XLRE),就为投资者提供了对该行业的ETF投资机会。

The Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund周线图,来源:英为财情Investing.com

虽然住宅房地产业蓬勃发展,但商业房地产行业在2020年的表现却不佳。因此,投资者需要对特定基金的子行业集中度进行研究。到目前为止,Real Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund下滑了大约8%,其股息收益率为3.2%。

值得关注的其他三个房地产ETF:Vanguard Real Estate Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE:VNQ)、iShares Residential and Multisector Real Estate ETF (NYSE:REZ)和Schwab U.S. REIT ETF™ (NYSE:SCHH)。


公用事业部门包括电力、天然气和水务公司、以及独立的电力生产商和能源贸易商。Utilities Select Sector SPDR® Fund (NYSE:XLU)为投资者提供了对该行业的ETF投资机会。

Utilities Select Sector SPDR® Fund周线图,来源:英为财情Investing.com



2021年经济会否全面复苏?谁也无法准确回答这个问题,但是如果投资者计划在新的一年中寻求防御性股票的保护,可以考虑该领域的其他两个ETF:Vanguard Utilities Index Fund ETF Shares (NYSE:VPU)和Invesco S&P 500® Equal Weight Utilities ETF (NYSE:RYU)。








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